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Happy October!

A Message From the Principal:

“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers” -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables


Hello, Families!

We have a very busy and exciting month upon us. This coming Saturday, October 10th from 10am-1pm is our Fall Festival. Please let myself or Ms. Catherine know if you and your family will be attending. There will be tons of family fun activities–face painting, obstacle course, a candy corn throw, hay rides, and more!

Our Book Fair is in full swing! The book fair will run until Saturday, October 10th. Payments for books may by credit card, cash, check, or money order. Checks and etc may be made out to “CBA”.

The week of October 19 is our annual Principal’s Conference in Las Vegas, NV. I will be attending but Ms. Catherine will be here that week to keep everything running smoothly. Don’t hesitate to contact her if you need anything during that week.

Also, on October 22nd, our Ashburn Volunteer Firefighters will be coming to visit our school. They will be talking with the children about fire safety as well as letting the children explore the fire trucks. The children love this day and are looking forward to it very much!

To round out the month, we will be having our Trunk or Treat on Friday, October 30 at 3:30! This year, we will be having a Trunk Decorating Contest for the families who are willing to participate. Surprise Guest Judges will rate your vehicles on their originality and creativity. The family’s car that wins will be awarded ONE FREE MONTH of either BALLET or SOCCER. Start thinking of your ideas now!


Jessica Best, Principal



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