Dear Chesterbrook Parents,
So the end of the calendar year is finally here and what a year it has been so far. I am looking forward to our Polar Express pajama Day and class book exchange. For our new families, this is where everyone who wants to participate will be drawing a name (we will let you know who’s name your child drew) and you will wrap a new or like new book (this is a great opportunity to re gift a favorite book on your child’s shelf) and bring it for the other child to open. We also get to wear our jammies that day! YAY!
Also, progress notes went home with end of the month folders in November. If you are interested in setting up a parent/teacher conference, please let Melissa or I know! We are also looking forward to our annual spaghetti dinner that we will have in January. This is a wonderful time for family and friends to get together, share a meal and get to know each other better. Please be on the look out for invitations in January!
Please see the calendar for a complete list of dates for events and school closings. Also, please be on the lookout for our holiday sign up sheets. This helps us staff better for the holidays!
We are hoping for the best weather this winter, but please remember to check our website, check our voicemail and look out for emails from us in case of inclement weather.
Please make sure you are checking your child’s folder/cubby each day for important letters, fundraiser information and other things. Let us know if you have questions!
As always, thank you for your support for Chesterbrook Academy! Here’s to another wonderful month!
Lindsey Soban, principal
Fun Recipe
Popcorn Brittle

What you’ll need:
- 5 1/2 cups popcorn, popped without salt or fat $
- 6 tablespoons light corn syrup
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
How to make it:
- Line a baking sheet with foil; coat foil with cooking spray. Set aside.
- Place popcorn in a large zip-top plastic bag; seal. Crush popcorn using a meat mallet or rolling pin; set aside.
- Combine sugar, syrup, and water in a medium saucepan over medium heat.
- Cook 1 minute or until sugar dissolves, stirring constantly.
- Cook, without stirring, until candy thermometer registers 270° (about 8 minutes).
- Stir in molasses and butter; cook until thermometer registers 290° (about 5 minutes).
- Stir in baking soda, vanilla, and salt.
- Stir popcorn into boiling syrup mixture.
- Working quickly, pour popcorn mixture onto prepared pan; spread to 1/4-inch thickness using a wooden spoon coated with cooking spray.
- Cool completely; break into large pieces.
Note: Store brittle in an airtight container at room temperature for up to four days.

December 7th- I:2 Holiday Music Classes
December 14th- 2:2 Holiday Music Classes
December 18th- Polar Express Pajama Day
December 18th- Class Book Exchange/Holiday Parties
December 24th- Christmas Eve
December 25th- CLOSED for Christmas
December 31st- End of the Month Folders go Home
Why spend your evenings and weekends driving to and from practices and programs when your child can participate in there right here at school? Please see the front desk for more information on any of these wonderful programs!MONDAYS: MUSIC FOR LITTLE ONES @ 10am

Weekly music classes with Music For Little Ones will be lots of fun!! Each week the children will participate in different songs, and activities with music. They will even get to try different musical instruments. They will receive a CD of all songs learned that session. It is a wonderful, musical experience!TUESDAYS: Soccer Shots @ 10am

Soccer Shots has three rules: Score a goal, be a team player, and HAVE FUN! This is a great way to get some extra physical fitness in and have a blast doing it! Spaces are still available so sign up today!!THURSDAYS: JUMP BUNCH @ 10am

Jump Bunch introduces sports and fitness to your child in a hands-on setting. It builds coordination and interest in sports, teaches through constant praise and encouragement, offers a safe, non-competitive environment, and promotes healthy fitness and nutrition!THURSDAYS: MusIQ @ 10am

Is a piano based music program for children ages 3 and up. Classical music and keyboard skills are taught. Please see us for more details.
Exploring Holiday Traditions from Around the World

The holiday season is here, providing a wealth of opportunities to enrich the children’s understanding of diverse cultures and traditions around the world. In addition, our students will share their own traditions with others.
Below are age appropriate activities that we use in the classroom, as well as activities for you and your child to do at home.
BEGINNERS (ages 2-3):
In the classroom: As they near the age of two, children begin to recognize the sights and sounds of holidays celebrated by their family. Parents visit our classrooms to share holiday traditions, including unique books, songs and activities.
At home: Gather family photos and point out traditions, such as unwrapping presents, eating holiday dinner at grandma’s house, and making a snowman. Encourage your child to talk about what he sees in the photos.
Recommended reading: Children Around the World Celebrate Christmas by Christine Tangvald, Happy Hanukkah, Corduroy by Don Freeman, My First Kwanzaa by Karen Katz
In the classroom: Children sing holiday songs from around the world and are introduced to holiday symbols that they may see in their communities, such as Christmas trees or Hanukkah menorahs.
At home: Take a drive with your child or bring him to various holiday festivals in your community. Encourage him to look for and identify holiday decorations.
Recommended reading: Christmas Around the World by Calliope Glass, Hanukkah Hop by Erica Silverman, Li’l Rabbit’s Kwanzaa by Donna Washington
PRE-K/PRE-K2 (ages 4-5)
In the classroom: After learning about holiday traditions around the world, our older preschoolers identify countries on a globe. For example, they might learn about Diwali, the festival of lights, and then find India on the globe. They might make tamales, a dish often served on Christmas, and then find Mexico on the globe.
At home: Ask your child to help you prepare your family’s favorite holiday foods. Talk about the long-standing traditions in which these foods are rooted. For instance, you might explain, “I used to bake cookies for the holidays with my mom. Now we can start baking cookies together!”
Recommended reading: Children Just Like Me: Celebrations by Anabel Kindersley, Light the Lights: A Story about Celebrating Hanukkah and Christmas by Margaret Moorman, The Story of Kwanzaa by Mary Washington
Exposing children to various holiday traditions helps them build strong social skills, establish a sense of self, and respect the differences of others as they transition into elementary school and beyond.
– Lauren Starnes, PhD – Director of Early Childhood Education
December News Letter
Dear Chesterbrook Parents,
So the end of the calendar year is finally here and what a year it has been so far. I am looking forward to our Polar Express pajama Day and class book exchange. For our new families, this is where everyone who wants to participate will be drawing a name (we will let you know who’s name your child drew) and you will wrap a new or like new book (this is a great opportunity to re gift a favorite book on your child’s shelf) and bring it for the other child to open. We also get to wear our jammies that day! YAY!
Also, progress notes went home with end of the month folders in November. If you are interested in setting up a parent/teacher conference, please let Melissa or I know! We are also looking forward to our annual spaghetti dinner that we will have in January. This is a wonderful time for family and friends to get together, share a meal and get to know each other better. Please be on the look out for invitations in January!
Please see the calendar for a complete list of dates for events and school closings. Also, please be on the lookout for our holiday sign up sheets. This helps us staff better for the holidays!
We are hoping for the best weather this winter, but please remember to check our website, check our voicemail and look out for emails from us in case of inclement weather.
Please make sure you are checking your child’s folder/cubby each day for important letters, fundraiser information and other things. Let us know if you have questions!
As always, thank you for your support for Chesterbrook Academy! Here’s to another wonderful month!
Lindsey Soban, principal
Fun Recipe
Popcorn Brittle
What you’ll need:
How to make it:
Note: Store brittle in an airtight container at room temperature for up to four days.
December 7th- I:2 Holiday Music Classes
December 14th- 2:2 Holiday Music Classes
December 18th- Polar Express Pajama Day
December 18th- Class Book Exchange/Holiday Parties
December 24th- Christmas Eve
December 25th- CLOSED for Christmas
December 31st- End of the Month Folders go Home
Why spend your evenings and weekends driving to and from practices and programs when your child can participate in there right here at school? Please see the front desk for more information on any of these wonderful programs!MONDAYS: MUSIC FOR LITTLE ONES @ 10am
Weekly music classes with Music For Little Ones will be lots of fun!! Each week the children will participate in different songs, and activities with music. They will even get to try different musical instruments. They will receive a CD of all songs learned that session. It is a wonderful, musical experience!TUESDAYS: Soccer Shots @ 10am
Soccer Shots has three rules: Score a goal, be a team player, and HAVE FUN! This is a great way to get some extra physical fitness in and have a blast doing it! Spaces are still available so sign up today!!THURSDAYS: JUMP BUNCH @ 10am
Jump Bunch introduces sports and fitness to your child in a hands-on setting. It builds coordination and interest in sports, teaches through constant praise and encouragement, offers a safe, non-competitive environment, and promotes healthy fitness and nutrition!THURSDAYS: MusIQ @ 10am
Exploring Holiday Traditions from Around the World
The holiday season is here, providing a wealth of opportunities to enrich the children’s understanding of diverse cultures and traditions around the world. In addition, our students will share their own traditions with others.
Below are age appropriate activities that we use in the classroom, as well as activities for you and your child to do at home.
BEGINNERS (ages 2-3):
In the classroom: As they near the age of two, children begin to recognize the sights and sounds of holidays celebrated by their family. Parents visit our classrooms to share holiday traditions, including unique books, songs and activities.
At home: Gather family photos and point out traditions, such as unwrapping presents, eating holiday dinner at grandma’s house, and making a snowman. Encourage your child to talk about what he sees in the photos.
Recommended reading: Children Around the World Celebrate Christmas by Christine Tangvald, Happy Hanukkah, Corduroy by Don Freeman, My First Kwanzaa by Karen Katz
In the classroom: Children sing holiday songs from around the world and are introduced to holiday symbols that they may see in their communities, such as Christmas trees or Hanukkah menorahs.
At home: Take a drive with your child or bring him to various holiday festivals in your community. Encourage him to look for and identify holiday decorations.
Recommended reading: Christmas Around the World by Calliope Glass, Hanukkah Hop by Erica Silverman, Li’l Rabbit’s Kwanzaa by Donna Washington
PRE-K/PRE-K2 (ages 4-5)
In the classroom: After learning about holiday traditions around the world, our older preschoolers identify countries on a globe. For example, they might learn about Diwali, the festival of lights, and then find India on the globe. They might make tamales, a dish often served on Christmas, and then find Mexico on the globe.
At home: Ask your child to help you prepare your family’s favorite holiday foods. Talk about the long-standing traditions in which these foods are rooted. For instance, you might explain, “I used to bake cookies for the holidays with my mom. Now we can start baking cookies together!”
Recommended reading: Children Just Like Me: Celebrations by Anabel Kindersley, Light the Lights: A Story about Celebrating Hanukkah and Christmas by Margaret Moorman, The Story of Kwanzaa by Mary Washington
Exposing children to various holiday traditions helps them build strong social skills, establish a sense of self, and respect the differences of others as they transition into elementary school and beyond.
– Lauren Starnes, PhD – Director of Early Childhood Education