Dear Parents,
March is sure to be another busy month at Chesterbrook Academy. Spring is around the corner and teachers are busy planning a variety of fun seasonal activities that will help our students learn more about the many changes which occur in our environment during springtime. Be on the look-out for plants and flowers popping up around campus.
Thank you for taking advantage of our “Early Bird Registration” by securing your child’s space for the 2016/2017 school year. We are excited that our current students will continue to learn, grow and shine at Chesterbrook Academy. You still have time if you haven’t registered, however, please keep in mind that available space is now being offered to the public. We are currently at 90% capacity.
This month teachers and students in all age groups will be working hard at creating new dramatic play centers in their classrooms. Please take a moment to check out what your child’s classroom dramatic play theme will be. Thank you for donating items or letting us borrow items to make dramatic play a quality experience. Dramatic play can be defined as a type of play where children accept and assign roles, and then act them out. It is a time when they break through the walls of reality, pretend to be someone or something different from themselves, and dramatize situations and actions to go along with the roles they have chosen to play. And while this type of play may be viewed as frivolous by some, it remains an integral part of the developmental learning process by allowing children to develop skills in such areas as abstract thinking, literacy, math, and social studies, in a timely, natural manner.
Please continue reading below to stay connected with March happenings!

Best regards,
Melinda Willey, Principal
Nicole Pezzullo, Assistant Principal

School Fundraiser – Orders due 3/4

Savory Sweets Cookie Dough Fundraiser
March 18th – April 4th

Our school is participating in a healthy, creative fundraiser with Art to Remember. Right now, children are busy creating colorful, fun artwork and soon you will receive a personalized order form showcasing your son’s or daughter’s masterpiece.
Art to Remember offers 30 keepsake products to feature your child’s art work. Makes for a great gift!
Your participation will capture a moment in time with your child and support our school.
Personalized order forms will be sent home March 7th.

Book Club Flyers are located in the front lobby.

3/9 – RAINBOW DAY – Send your child to school wearing one, two or all colors of the rainbow!

Information on classroom dates and times will be sent home 3/1 and also posted in our front lobby.

SPRING BREAK – March 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th are NON-VPK days.
Chesterbrook Academy will be open and ALL VPK students are welcome to attend. The fee is $25. per day. Winter Break and Spring Break are the two times a year when all VPK students are required to pay an additional fee to attend. Sign-up information is located on the front desk.

March 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th
Check out our CAMP link under programs for calendar of events and sign-up information.
Information is also located on the front desk.

Friday, April 22nd – 10:00am
JOIN THE FUN…Details to follow

Introducing Your Preschooler to the Fascinating World of Non-Fiction


The purpose of our sick policy is to reduce the spread of illness among our students and to encourage full recuperation of sick children before they return to school. We depend on parents to assist us in maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all of our children.
Sick Policy:
Children may be sent home if they have any concerning symptoms. In addition, a child must be free of all of these symptoms for at least 24 hours before he/she can return to school. These symptoms include:
- A Fever of 100 degrees or more
- Vomiting within the previous 24-hour period
- Diarrhea within the previous 24-hour period
- Symptoms of a communicable disease
- Fussy, cranky behavior and generally not himself/ herself
Following an illness, a child may return to school once he/she has either been seen by a doctor or it has been determined that illness is not contagious. (A doctor’s clearance may be requested.) Please help us keep all of our children healthy by following these rules. If you have any questions or concerns please let us know. Thank you for your support!

We have seen a recent increase in families missing tuition payment deadlines. We really must collect tuition in a timely manner to meet our financial obligations. Please remember that tuition is due the 1st business day of every month. Accounts not paid in full by 12:00pm the second business day of every month are subject to late fees. If tuition is not paid in full by the 7th business day of each month your child may not attend until the balance is paid in full. Failure to comply with tuition policies will result in a notice of dis-enrollment. If you’d like to sign up for our ACH program, which automatically pulls your monthly tuition from the account of your choice the 1st business day of every month, just let us know and we will get you signed up.
If your child is signed up to attend a specific enrichment program, the monthly fee must be paid in full the first week of every month or your child may not attend the second week. Please understand, we are obligated to pay our physical fitness vendors in a timely manner for their services. Credits will not be issued for missed classes due to absence or non-payment.

Summer will be here before you know it…
Check out what we have planned for summer 2016 under programs tab/camp.
Reserve your child’s space NOW!
Dear Parents,
March is sure to be another busy month at Chesterbrook Academy. Spring is around the corner and teachers are busy planning a variety of fun seasonal activities that will help our students learn more about the many changes which occur in our environment during springtime. Be on the look-out for plants and flowers popping up around campus.
Thank you for taking advantage of our “Early Bird Registration” by securing your child’s space for the 2016/2017 school year. We are excited that our current students will continue to learn, grow and shine at Chesterbrook Academy. You still have time if you haven’t registered, however, please keep in mind that available space is now being offered to the public. We are currently at 90% capacity.
This month teachers and students in all age groups will be working hard at creating new dramatic play centers in their classrooms. Please take a moment to check out what your child’s classroom dramatic play theme will be. Thank you for donating items or letting us borrow items to make dramatic play a quality experience. Dramatic play can be defined as a type of play where children accept and assign roles, and then act them out. It is a time when they break through the walls of reality, pretend to be someone or something different from themselves, and dramatize situations and actions to go along with the roles they have chosen to play. And while this type of play may be viewed as frivolous by some, it remains an integral part of the developmental learning process by allowing children to develop skills in such areas as abstract thinking, literacy, math, and social studies, in a timely, natural manner.
Please continue reading below to stay connected with March happenings!
Best regards,
Melinda Willey, Principal
Nicole Pezzullo, Assistant Principal
School Fundraiser – Orders due 3/4
Savory Sweets Cookie Dough Fundraiser
March 18th – April 4th
Our school is participating in a healthy, creative fundraiser with Art to Remember. Right now, children are busy creating colorful, fun artwork and soon you will receive a personalized order form showcasing your son’s or daughter’s masterpiece.
Art to Remember offers 30 keepsake products to feature your child’s art work. Makes for a great gift!
Your participation will capture a moment in time with your child and support our school.
Personalized order forms will be sent home March 7th.
Book Club Flyers are located in the front lobby.
3/9 – RAINBOW DAY – Send your child to school wearing one, two or all colors of the rainbow!
Information on classroom dates and times will be sent home 3/1 and also posted in our front lobby.
SPRING BREAK – March 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th are NON-VPK days.
Chesterbrook Academy will be open and ALL VPK students are welcome to attend. The fee is $25. per day. Winter Break and Spring Break are the two times a year when all VPK students are required to pay an additional fee to attend. Sign-up information is located on the front desk.
March 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th
Check out our CAMP link under programs for calendar of events and sign-up information.
Information is also located on the front desk.
Friday, April 22nd – 10:00am
JOIN THE FUN…Details to follow
Introducing Your Preschooler to the Fascinating World of Non-Fiction
Sick Policy:
Following an illness, a child may return to school once he/she has either been seen by a doctor or it has been determined that illness is not contagious. (A doctor’s clearance may be requested.) Please help us keep all of our children healthy by following these rules. If you have any questions or concerns please let us know. Thank you for your support!
We have seen a recent increase in families missing tuition payment deadlines. We really must collect tuition in a timely manner to meet our financial obligations. Please remember that tuition is due the 1st business day of every month. Accounts not paid in full by 12:00pm the second business day of every month are subject to late fees. If tuition is not paid in full by the 7th business day of each month your child may not attend until the balance is paid in full. Failure to comply with tuition policies will result in a notice of dis-enrollment. If you’d like to sign up for our ACH program, which automatically pulls your monthly tuition from the account of your choice the 1st business day of every month, just let us know and we will get you signed up.
If your child is signed up to attend a specific enrichment program, the monthly fee must be paid in full the first week of every month or your child may not attend the second week. Please understand, we are obligated to pay our physical fitness vendors in a timely manner for their services. Credits will not be issued for missed classes due to absence or non-payment.
Summer will be here before you know it…
Check out what we have planned for summer 2016 under programs tab/camp.
Reserve your child’s space NOW!