Hello CBA Parents!
Fall is here and has brought the cooler weather. Please start to switch out your extra clothes in your child’s cubby. Thank you.
- The Month of October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. On October 5th Everyone Wear Pink in support.
- CBA is OPEN October 10th for Columbus Day .
- CBA is CLOSED Friday November 11th for Veterans Day and Professional Development for our teachers.
- The Week of October 10th: We will be having a school wide “Pumpkin Projects”. On Thursday October 13th classes will be decorating their pumpkins. Please make sure you are here on time. We will have some great pictures to share via Links 2 Home.
- October 14th : Parents Night Out 6:30-10:00 ($45.00 for one child $75.00 for two)
- Book Fair will be October 17- October 21—CHECKS ONLY to Scholastic (book+6% Tax)
- October 21st: Pajama and Cookie Friday!
- October 26th: Wear your Favorite Football Jersey or T Shirt.
- October 30th: NWFCU- some of the children will be walking to the NWFCU to show off their costumes. (3’s classroom, Pk-1 and Pk-2 classes only).
- Fall Parties and Trunk or Treat @ 3:30pm.
** Parents: Look for the upcoming email regarding Trunk or Treat information and sign up instructions. **
The kids are getting excited and so are we! Here are just a few reminders about this fun day…
- There will be sign-up sheets on the classroom doors for items to bring for the celebration after the parade. Please remember that we are a peanut/nut free environment. As you are reading ingredient labels be sure that the item does not contain nuts, or manufactured in a nut/peanut facility.
- As always, parents and siblings are invited to attend!
- For Children in the 3’s, Pre-K1, and Pre-K2 please have them come to school dressed in their Halloween costumes for Trick or Treating at the credit union. Please bring a complete change of clothing for children to be changed into after Trick or Treating. Teachers will change children back into their costumes for Trunk or Treat in the afternoon.
- All other classes please bring your child(ren) in their regular clothes and pack their costumes. The teachers in their classrooms will change them into their costumes for Trunk or Treat I the afternoon.
Parent Reminders:
**We do have a late pick up policy that is stated on your fee schedule. Our hours of operation are 630am-630pm, if your child is picked up after that time, you must pay the late pickup fee.
- Make sure you are signing your child (ren) in and out every day at the front desk.
- Please drive slowly in the parking lot at all times.
- Please do not leave vehicles running while you are in the building.
- **If you are planning to take a vacation this holiday season and would like to use your one week vacation credit, please make sure to fill out a form in the front lobby. Just a reminder, we ask for a two week notice if you are planning to use your vacation credit! You have to be here for at least 6 months to use your vacation credit.
- **Sick Policy: To ensure the health and safety of all of our children and staff, please remember to adhere to our sick policy which states: “a child must be free of all symptoms without medication for at least 24 hours before he/she can be returned to school. Following an illness, a child may return to school once he/she has either been seen by a doctor or it has been determined that the illness is not contagious. (A doctor’s clearance may be requested).” All of us truly appreciate your support with this matter!
- **A gentle reminder that payment is due the Friday before the following week! If payment is received after Monday 6:30pm, a late payment fee of $25 will be assessed. Thank you!
At CBA we have year around ancillary programs that are great outside programs that come into our school to get your children even more engaged. Some of the programs are Hip Hop, Dance, Stretch and grow, and soccer. Information is at the front desk.
****I have a principal conference October 24-October 27 in Las Vegas, Nevada. I will have limited access to emails. I will return emails when I get back. Please email Dana while I am gone at Dana.LeHew@nlcinc.com.
Thank you,
Adrienne and Dana
A Message From Our Education Department:
Working with and talking about money is a great way to connect learning at school with learning at home. Children love to manipulate coins and paper money, and are naturally curious about their meaning. Using money is an especially fun way for children to learn math skills, as well as[.....]
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CBA October Newsletter
Hello CBA Parents!
Fall is here and has brought the cooler weather. Please start to switch out your extra clothes in your child’s cubby. Thank you.
** Parents: Look for the upcoming email regarding Trunk or Treat information and sign up instructions. **
The kids are getting excited and so are we! Here are just a few reminders about this fun day…
Parent Reminders:
**We do have a late pick up policy that is stated on your fee schedule. Our hours of operation are 630am-630pm, if your child is picked up after that time, you must pay the late pickup fee.
At CBA we have year around ancillary programs that are great outside programs that come into our school to get your children even more engaged. Some of the programs are Hip Hop, Dance, Stretch and grow, and soccer. Information is at the front desk.
****I have a principal conference October 24-October 27 in Las Vegas, Nevada. I will have limited access to emails. I will return emails when I get back. Please email Dana while I am gone at Dana.LeHew@nlcinc.com.
Thank you,
Adrienne and Dana
A Message From Our Education Department:
Ways to Use the Concept of Money to Make Learning Fun
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