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August News

Dear Parents,

We are so very thrilled as we  look forward to celebrating  our NAEYC  accreditation with all of our entire Chesterbrook community.  Posting will be noted in your child’s classroom and on Links to Home.  We remind you we are here to provide the best learning environment possible to enrich your children academic adventure and truly appreciate your input and cooperation.

Help Your Child Develop Their Inner Picasso

Painting is an entertaining activity that encourages hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, creativity and self-expression. It also helps children gain a sense of achievement and pride as they create their own works of art. Below are some fun activities your child can do with paint at home. Infants & Toddlers[.....]
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Staying fit in mind and body is a goal we all share. Teaching your child how to maintain the proper balance of diet, exercise and relaxation will provide them with success to their well-being. Learning to maintain health is one of the most important things we can teach our children. Studies suggest a link between a child’s health and their success in learning. Overall fitness affects everything from a child’s behavior to their ability to focus on tasks.
Children take great satisfaction in caring for themselves and in their play. Even your child’s play with dolls, for example, reflects how caring for one’s self and others are valued instinctively, absorbing themes that are important to their social and psychological development. Caring for one’s body, respecting it, and knowing how all the parts work together are fundamentals to living – and learning – well. By focusing on a few main areas such as proper nutrition, exercise, rest and stress reduction you can help your child create a balance that will ensure a fit mind and body.
* Learning to Eat Right – * Let’s Get Moving – *Peace, Relaxation, and Sleep

Through your efforts to focus on the well being of yourself and your family, your child will enjoy the experience of learning about and caring for their own body. They early childhood experiences they have in keeping their body safe, fit, peaceful and healthy will set the foundation for building positive attitudes that will last a lifetime. (excerpt from Parent & Child magazine)

We are truly experiencing the hot, hazy and humid days of summer. We do take weather conditions into consideration in scheduling outside times for the children. Most outside activities will take place in the early morning thus it is necessary for all children to have their sun screen lotions applied before arriving for the day. Too often these products have an activation period and we want to keep you child as safe as possible.

Until September,
Miss Cindy
Chesterbrook Academy

From Our Education Team

Help Your Child Develop Their Inner Picasso

Painting is an entertaining activity that encourages hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, creativity and self-expression. It also helps children gain a sense of achievement and pride as they create their own works of art. Below are some fun activities your child can do with paint at home. Infants & Toddlers[.....]
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For Parents & Teachers


Just A Reminder: Please remember your child’s teachers are here to make your day start off on a good note. Having trouble separating in the morning? Talk with the teacher. Should you want the teacher to assist with you child you simply need to let us know. No one wants to step out of their place and become involved in a situation we are not invited.


Morning Snack is served between the hours of 8:00 AM until 8:30 AM. Our school’s morning snack in no way meets the dietary needs of a breakfast. Please be mindful of your child’s class schedule since their activities begin promptly at 8:30 AM as we will not be providing the morning snack after this time. Should you arrive after 8:30 AM with your child eating food, you have supplied, it is necessary for you to stay with your child in an area other than their classroom. Please remember when you are substituting a portion of our lunch it needs to be kept in your child’s classroom in their cubby. Their food items should be peanut free and not needing to be warmed or cooked.


Safety First:
Our Drop Off and Pick Up Request is for the safety of our youngest students. When dropping your children off in the morning please bring the oldest child to their classroom first. When leaving for the day please pick up your youngest child first. This practice will eliminate the opportunity for an incident or an accident to occur in our young classrooms. Too often the older sibling will believe they are helping although they quite innocently can be the cause of a situation. We appreciate your cooperation as our goal continues to be to provide the safest environment for all of our students.


Parking Lot Safety
We are working to keep our parking lot a safe area for our families. Gold’s Gym along with the owners of the Golden Meadows Park are aware of our concerns. We encourage all of our families to do our part in maintaining the speed limit and to remain courteous to our fellow drivers.


Our school is a Peanut Free environment! It is extremely important that no one send in any food items containing peanuts in any form to their child’s class. We do have children that are highly allergic to peanuts and would never compromise their safety and ask for your assistance when providing treats.

The sunshine is wonderful and all of the children are wearing faces of “joy” as they “enjoy” their time outside. Please remember to apply sunscreen lotions prior to arriving in the morning since many products have an activation period. Each and everyday weather allowing, your child will partake in outside play. Please remember that children must wear appropriate shoes on the playground. No sandals, crocks, or dress shoes are allowed since they do not provide a secure sole on their shoe for our busy students.

Sign In / Sign Out: We know things can get a bit hectic at drop off and pick up, although it is imperative that you sign your child in and out each and everyday.

We understand that with the cold weather comes a cold car. We request than NO vehicles should be running unattended while on the school property.


Outside Play: Our children will be going outside to enjoy the fresh air, weather permitting. This is a licensing regulation, and we will not make exceptions based on a child’s health.

Sick Policy Reminder: The purpose of our sick policy is to reduce the spread of illness among children and to encourage full recuperation of sick children before they return to school. We depend on parents to assist us in maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all of our children.


School Closings and Delayed Openings
Please remember that should our weather become inclement and present a hazard we will alter our hours of operation. All postings will be announced on WGAL TV and www.wgal.com. Please know that we do not make these decisions in haste, although we must take the safety of all into consideration.


Just a Reminder: Tuition is due no later than the Friday prior to the weekly preferred schedule. This information was noted in your registration and we thank many of you for asking questions to clarify this change. To simplify the change, all tuition payments are due on the Friday before the next tuition week. Hopefully no one will be billed the $25 late fee that will be charged should your tuition payment not be received by noon on the following Monday.

Please remember that all returned checks will be billed a $25 service charge and your account is applicable to receive an additional $25 late fee.
Should you have a questions please do not hesitate to ask. We thank you all for your continued cooperation.

Our hours of operation are from 6:30am until 6:00pm. Children attending longer than a ten hour day or after 6:00pm will be billed additional fees.

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