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January Newsletter

A Note From Our Principal

Happy New Year! I hope you all enjoyed a healthy and happy holiday season. We can’t wait to spend 2022 with you and your children. I would like to thank all of you for your generosity over the holidays. The teachers, administrative team, and I truly appreciate all the gifts and notes we received! These thoughts of appreciation mean so much to us. As always, thank you for choosing our school for your children.


Leslie Ballard

Winter Weather

The winter season is here. Please be sure to dress your child accordingly, including hats and mittens. Also, be sure that your child has extra clothes available in their cubby for the winter weather (this is a great time to check sizes too).

Our Parent Portal – Alma 

Looking for account statements for taxes or FSA? Do you have a different email address or phone number that needs to be updated? Need to add or remove an emergency contact? You can do this at any time in Alma. If you need help logging in or accessing the system, please let us know.

Parent Referral Bonus

Do you know a colleague who has recently had a baby, a friend in need of care who just relocated to the area, or a family member who is seeking a new preschool for their child? When you refer a friend and they enroll, you’re eligible for a free week of tuition.  Ask us for details!

Important Dates 

January 21 – Silly Sock DayJanuary 28 – PJ DayJanuary 31 – End of Month Folders go home

New On Our Preschool Blog

Meaningful Ways to Celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr.
With Your Preschooler
January is a great time to reflect on the important work of
Martin Luther King, Jr. Although we explore diversity and
inclusion all year, we have many activities planned this
month to celebrate his life specifically. We’ll be reading
books, making arts and crafts, discussing the importance of
acceptance and belonging, and much more.
Continue the fun at home by participating in some of our
ideas below.
1. Perform an Act of Service
Honor the work of Martin Luther King Jr. by spreading kindness and compassion. Some ideas include
donating winter accessories to your local homeless shelter, baking cookies for a neighbor, or making
cards for loved ones needing a smile.
2. Read About His Accomplishments
Books are a great way to learn about Martin Luther King, Jr. and the theme of equality in a way your
child can understand. Age-appropriate titles include, “Happy Birthday, Martin Luther King, Jr.” by Jean
Marzollo, “The Story of Martin Luther King, Jr.” by Johnny Ray Moore, and “I am Martin Luther King, Jr.”
by Brand Meltzer. After reading, ask your child to discuss their own hopes and dreams.
3. Host a Birthday Party
Children love and can relate to birthday parties, so host one to celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr.! Ask
your child to help you bake a birthday cake, talk about kindness, sing songs, make decorations, and
watch snippets of the “I Have a Dream Speech.”
4. Help Your Child Understand and Respect Differences
Martin Luther King, Jr. believed that everyone, no matter skin color, should be treated equally. Reinforce
this message at home by reading some of our favorite stories: “Whoever You Are” by Mem Fox, “The
Colors of Us” by Karen Katz, and “All Are Welcome” by Alexandra Penfold.


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