A Message from the Principal:
Dear Parents,
Oh my, May already! The month of May truly is the busiest month of the school year at Chesterbrook Academy. Between Teacher Appreciation Week, Pre-K Graduation fundraisers and preparation, Mother’s Day, Summer camp planning and our final school year progress reports….our days are full! We do our best to make sure parent communication is consistent and prompt, so please be sure to read any notices that are sent home, as well as postings in our school lobby. We don’t want you to miss a thing! Feel free to inquire at the front desk if you have any questions.
Student transitions to the next level will take place on June 8th, after our VPK/Pre-K students graduate. You will be notified in advance so you are able to prepare your child for what lies ahead.
Planning is well underway for our Pre-K graduation. The ceremony will be held at the Port St. Lucie Community Center on Thursday, June 4th at 10:00am. Specific details have been sent home and are also posted in the front lobby. You are welcome to invite family and friends to join the celebration. So exciting….our graduating class of 2015! Please turn in your cap & gown order form and payment as soon as possible, to ensure a timely delivery.
Our graduating classrooms will be hosting several fun fundraisers over the next two weeks, so please be sure to speak to your child’s teacher if you want your child to purchase anything while at school for snack time. You may also purchase items during your pick-up time. Thank you for you support.
On that note, I would like to mention that Pre-K graduates who continue on with us this summer, will be participate in a special “Kindergarten Kick-Off” program. The Kindergarten Kick-Off curriculum is designed to challenge our Pre-K students, helping them to strengthen the skills necessary for a successful transition to Kindergarten. Additional information on our Kindergarten Kick-Off curriculum goals as well as our “Passport to Summer” brochure and calendars are available NOW!
Elementary age camp is planned and summer packets are available too! This year’s summer will be like none other. The theme this summer is “All things S.T.E.A.M and Beyond”. Check out our summer display table for more information. Please register soon, space for elementary campers is limited.
Best regards,
Melinda Willey
Muffins for Mom – Friday, May 8th – 8:00am – 10:00am
We want to celebrate you, MOM! Join us for a muffin & juice or coffee.
Your child will also have a little something special made with love, just for YOU!
Events & Dates to Remember:
- Original Art Work orders – Due no later then Wednesday, May 6th
- LifeTouch portraits/payment – Due Monday, May 4th – accounts will be charged for packages not returned or paid for.
- LifeTouch – Cap & Gown portraits will be sent home on Wednesday, May 6th. Photos/payment MUST be returned no later than Friday, May 22nd. (we borrowed 1 pic from each graduates packet, but will return them to you after graduation.)
- VPK/PRE-K – Cap & Gown orders are due no later then Friday, May 8th to ensure delivery in time for graduation.
- Pre-K baby pictures – Please remember to send (EMAIL ONLY) Ms. Pezzullo a baby picture of your child…nicole.pezzullo@nlcinc.com.
- SCHOOL CLOSED – Monday, May 25th – Memorial Day
- Last day of VPK is Thursday, June 3rd – Accounts must be paid in full prior to attending the graduation ceremony on Thursday, June 4th. Please inquire if you are unsure of your account status. Thank you.
- Graduation students who attend weekly enrichment programs will not be billed or attend the last week of VPK (June 1-4).
- SCHOOL CLOSED – Friday, June 5th – Teacher work day
- Student Transitions – Monday, June 8th – You will be notified shortly.
Pre-K Graduation Fundraiser Dates:
- Monday, May 4th – Bake Sale (donations welcome)
- Tuesday, May 12th – Snow Cones & Cotton Candy
- Friday, May 15th – Lorax Juice & Trail Mix
- Tuesday, May 19th – Bake Sale (donations welcome)
- Friday, May 22nd – Lemonade & Popcorn
- Wednesday, May 27th – Hot Dogs, Chips, Gogurts, Fruit Juice Boxes

Wednesday, May 20th – Beach Bum
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May 2015 News
A Message from the Principal:
Dear Parents,
Oh my, May already! The month of May truly is the busiest month of the school year at Chesterbrook Academy. Between Teacher Appreciation Week, Pre-K Graduation fundraisers and preparation, Mother’s Day, Summer camp planning and our final school year progress reports….our days are full! We do our best to make sure parent communication is consistent and prompt, so please be sure to read any notices that are sent home, as well as postings in our school lobby. We don’t want you to miss a thing! Feel free to inquire at the front desk if you have any questions.
Student transitions to the next level will take place on June 8th, after our VPK/Pre-K students graduate. You will be notified in advance so you are able to prepare your child for what lies ahead.
Planning is well underway for our Pre-K graduation. The ceremony will be held at the Port St. Lucie Community Center on Thursday, June 4th at 10:00am. Specific details have been sent home and are also posted in the front lobby. You are welcome to invite family and friends to join the celebration. So exciting….our graduating class of 2015! Please turn in your cap & gown order form and payment as soon as possible, to ensure a timely delivery.
Our graduating classrooms will be hosting several fun fundraisers over the next two weeks, so please be sure to speak to your child’s teacher if you want your child to purchase anything while at school for snack time. You may also purchase items during your pick-up time. Thank you for you support.
On that note, I would like to mention that Pre-K graduates who continue on with us this summer, will be participate in a special “Kindergarten Kick-Off” program. The Kindergarten Kick-Off curriculum is designed to challenge our Pre-K students, helping them to strengthen the skills necessary for a successful transition to Kindergarten. Additional information on our Kindergarten Kick-Off curriculum goals as well as our “Passport to Summer” brochure and calendars are available NOW!
Elementary age camp is planned and summer packets are available too! This year’s summer will be like none other. The theme this summer is “All things S.T.E.A.M and Beyond”. Check out our summer display table for more information. Please register soon, space for elementary campers is limited.
Best regards,
Melinda Willey
Muffins for Mom – Friday, May 8th – 8:00am – 10:00am
We want to celebrate you, MOM! Join us for a muffin & juice or coffee.
Your child will also have a little something special made with love, just for YOU!
Events & Dates to Remember:
Pre-K Graduation Fundraiser Dates:
Wednesday, May 20th – Beach Bum