A Message From the Principal:
Dear Chesterbrook Parents,
Here are a few friendly reminders.
- Please be sure we have the most recent copy of your child’s immunization records along with the completed Universal Child Health Form.
- Tuition is due every Friday for the following week. A mandatory $25 fee, per our corporate office, will be charged if payment is not given by Tuesday mornings. No exceptions.
- We have an ACH program that allows us to automatically withdrawal the tuition from your account every Monday night. If you would like to take advantage of this, please ask for the form.
- Please remember to sign your child in and out for every drop-off and pick-up. The book is located on the front desk and is labeled with each classroom name.
- Remember that the academic day begins everyday at 9:00am, so please be sure to have your child here by that time.
- For security purposes, please do not share the code to the front door with anyone other than the people named on your child’s Authorized Pick Up List.
- You must give us four weeks’ notice in writing prior to withdrawing your child from the School. If four weeks’ notice is not given, please understand that you will be held responsible for four weeks’ tuition. You must also give us two weeks’ notice prior to changing your child’s attendance schedule.
- Please do not leave your car running or a child in the car unattended at drop off/pick up time. In addition to being dangerous, this is illegal and the state of NJ considers it as abuse and neglect, even for a minute.
- Earn a free week of tuition for referring a family to our school.
- Reminder that we will no longer be honoring make up days.
- Don’t forget to give us your child’s flex schedule in the beginning of the month.
June Weekly Themes:
- 6/1-6/5: Dinosaur Discoveries
- 6/8-6/12: Dynamite Dads
- 6/15-6/19: Grateful Grads
- 6/22-6/26: Camp Begins
Important Dates:
- 6/12: Father’s Day Picnic @ 3:30
- 6/19: Kindergarten & PreK Graduation Ceremony @ Wedgewood Country Club @ 1:00pm
- 6/19: Last Day of School
- 6/22: First Day of Summer Camp
Looking Ahead:
- Friday 7/3: School is Closed for Independence Day
If at anytime you have a question or concern, please feel free to stop in the office to speak with me…the door is always open.
Stacy and Maggie
School Spotlight
Congratulations to Teacher of the Month for June 2015:
Brianna Berrios

Brianna Berrios is the Head Teacher in our Beginner B room. She started working here in November of 2009 as an afternoon assistant and we quickly realized what a wonderful teacher she is. She has helped in every classroom in the school, but is in her second year as the Beginner B Head teacher…where she is a perfect fit. She is also our Links to Learning mentor to other teachers and staff members.
Miss Brianna, we are so lucky to have you!! Congratulations!
Classroom Bullets
This year has really flown by and our babies are growing up so fast. Congratulations to Travis for moving to our Toddler A room last month and to Caroline who will be moving up this month. Welcome Luke, Noah and Julianna to our class this month as well! We look forward to another month in our Infant room. We hope you can join us for our Father’s Day Picnic on June 12th at 3:30pm.
Toddler A
How time flies…it’s the end of the school year. This month we will be reviewing all of our colors, numbers, shapes, and sign language words that we have learned throughout the year. The skill we will be exploring is problem solving-encouraging the children to find solutions to a problem.
Our Father’s Day Picnic will be on Friday, June 12th at 3:30. Last but not least, a big THANK YOU toddlers and Toddler A parents for a wonderful year!
Toddler B
This month we celebrate Dad with a special treat. Details will follow and we hope you all can attend. Summer Camp is loaded with lots of fun activities. Please check out your calendar. Some of our Links to Learning activities for the month will be filling in words to familiar stories, using size words, and walking backwards.
Beginner A
This month we will introduce summer and warmer weather. Please check your child’s cubby for weather appropriate clothing. We will end our school year by reviewing previously learned material throughout the months. It has been a pleasure teaching your children this school year. We will have our Father’s Day Picnic on June 12th at 3:30. We are looking forward to starting Summer Camp on June 22nd.
Beginner B
We made it to June in Beginner B. This month we will be reviewing everything we learned this school year. In Math, we will focus on number concepts, sorting and matching. The children will continue to work with safety scissors to practice cutting. Our Father’s Day celebration is on Friday, June 12th at 3:30.
This year has flown by! The Intermediates class has grown so much. We are looking forward to our last month before summer. We will be continuing with communication, literacy, and writing. The children are doing a great job with writing their first names and using the pencils correctly! We will continue working on and reviewing the skills that we have learned all year. The children planted flowers for Science and the children are very excited about watching the plants develop! This month we will also be working on a lot of art projects for our Dads, graduating to the next class, and saying our goodbyes. We are looking forward to a great month….keep up the great work Intermediates!
It’s June already and our school year is in its final weeks! We are practicing for graduation daily and spending a lot of time creating fun memories. We’ll have a Father’s Day Picnic on June 12th at 3:30 pm, we hope you can all join us! The week of June 15-19 is our version of “Senior Week” with fun events daily so keep an eye out for the flyer about specific events! We would like to say what an honor it was teaching your children this year and how much we’ll miss them as they move up to Kindergarten!
Where has the school year gone? During the month of June we will be putting the finishing touches on our skills for first grade. A few reminders…our Father’s Day Picnic will be on Friday June 12th, look for more details to come. Graduation Day is Friday June 19th at Wedgewood Country Club at 1:00 pm. It has been a pleasure working with all of your families this year. Have a great summer and a wonderful first grade! Summer Camp begins 6/22 & Senior Week will be 6/15-6/19
Your Child’s Health
Summer Safety Tips
Keep your family safe this summer by following these tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).
- Don’t use scented soaps, perfumes or hair sprays on your child.
- Avoid areas where insects nest or congregate, such as stagnant pools of water, uncovered foods and gardens where flowers are in bloom.
- Avoid dressing your child in clothing with bright colors or flowery prints.
- To remove a visible stinger from skin, gently back it out by scraping it with a credit card or your fingernail.
- Combination sunscreen/insect repellent products should be avoided because sunscreen needs to be reapplied every two hours, but the insect repellent should not be reapplied.
- Use insect repellents containing DEET when needed to prevent insect-related diseases. Ticks can transmit Lyme Disease, and mosquitoes can transmit West Nile Virus and other viruses.
- The current AAP and CDC recommendation for children older than 2 months of age is to use 10% to 30% DEET. DEET should not be used on children younger than 2 months of age.
- The effectiveness is similar for 10% to 30% DEET but the duration of effect varies. Ten percent DEET provides protection for about 2 hours, and 30% protects for about 5 hours. Choose the lowest concentration that will provide the required length of coverage.
- The concentration of DEET varies significantly from product to product, so read the label of any product you purchase.
- Children should wash off repellents when they return indoors.
- As an alternative to DEET, picaridin has become available in the U.S. in concentrations of 5% to10%.
Your Child’s Education
Ten Fun Ways to Keep Your Child Learning this Summer
Summer vacation can be either a learning wasteland or a learning paradise. The temptations are great for children to spend hours watching television or playing video games, but with a little ingenuity and planning, the summer can be transformed into a time to stretch the mind, explore new hobbies, learn about responsibility and build on skills learned during the school year.
10 Fun Summer Learning Activities
Here are some activities to get your child started on a summer of learning fun:
- Grow the biggest zucchini in your neighborhood.
What better way to learn the basics of science and how things grow than to plant your own garden? You can start with seeds or small plants. Talk about what plants need to be hardy: air, water, sunlight and nutrients. Vegetables are especially fun and educational to plant because your child will learn where food comes from and will also get to eat the end product.
- Clip, paste and write about your family adventures.
A family vacation is a perfect opportunity to create a trip scrapbook that will be a lasting souvenir of family adventures. Collect postcards, brochures and menus from restaurants and tourist attractions. Encourage your child to write descriptions of the places you visited and tell stories about your family’s escapades. Or suggest a scrapbook on your child’s favorite sports team or a chronicle of his year in school. The scrapbook might contain photos with captions, newspaper clippings or school mementos.
- Get theatrical.
Young children can make their own puppet theater. Begin by cutting off the finger-ends of old gloves. Draw faces on these fingers with felt tip markers and glue on yarn for hair. They can plan a performance, make a simple stage at the park or on the steps of someone’s home, create playbills and sell tickets.
- Make chocolate mousse or build a bird feeder.
Toy stores and craft shops are full of kits for making things, from bird feeders to model airplanes to mosaic tableaux. These projects teach children to read and follow directions, and offer the added benefit of creating a finished product. Science experiment books encourage children to observe and ask questions while providing hours of hands-on fun using scientific concepts.
- Paint the picket fence, baby-sit or volunteer at a soup kitchen.
Even young children can learn to be responsible by helping to set the table, take care of a pet, clean out a closet, wash the car or paint the picket fence. Ask your child to be your energy consultant and help find ways to conserve energy in your house. Outside summer jobs and community service help children learn to be punctual, follow directions and serve others.
- Become the family’s junior travel agent.
Half the fun of a trip starts before you get there. Involve your child in the planning by practicing how to use a map to find cities and tourist attractions, and how to estimate distances. If you are driving, work with your child to figure out how many gallons of gas it will take to get there and estimate the cost. If you are flying or traveling by train, check travel schedules and costs.
Research your destination in books and on the Internet. If you are going to a different state, look up information about the state, such as the state flower, state bird and interesting attractions. Have your child write to the state tourism bureau to ask for information.
- Visit a jelly bean factory or a glassblowing studio.
Whether you are going on a trip far away or staying close to home, seek out places where children can learn how things are made. In San Francisco, you can visit a teddy bear factory; in Arkansas, a glass blowing studio; and in Hawaii, a macadamia nut factory. To learn about some of these options, see our “Helpful Books” tips on this page.
- Turn a museum trip into a treasure hunt.
Get your children excited about visiting a museum by exploring the museum’s Web site and taking a virtual tour. When you go to a museum, take into account short attention spans and don’t try to cover a whole museum in one day. To make them less intimidating, start in the gift shop and let your child pick out some postcards of paintings or objects on display. Turn your museum trip into a treasure hunt by trying to find those paintings or objects in the museum. Look for interactive exhibits and for periods of history that your child has studied in school.
- Get stickers, tattoos and comics for free.
Composing a letter helps build writing skills and can be especially rewarding when your child gets a reply in the form of a cool free item. The book, Free Things for Kids, suggests more than 300 places you can write to get such items as stickers, temporary tattoos, comic books, magazines and sports memorabilia. Some of the items cost a dollar or less, but the majority are free. The author has been writing about “free stuff” for years and is considered an expert in the field. The book, updated annually, also includes Web sites to check out for free downloadable software, ezines or other items to send for by mail.
- Become an investment guru or a math wizard.
Summer is the perfect time for older children and teens to learn about the stock market and the value of investing. A good way to get started is to investigate publicly held companies that teens are familiar with, such as Apple Computer, eBay, Nike or Tootsie Roll. The Motley Fool “Teens and Money” Web site is devoted to helping teens learn about saving and investing. Your older child might also want to join a Junior Investor program to learn more about the stock market. It is also possible to help your teen get a head start on high school math by doing math puzzles.
June 2015 Newsletter
A Message From the Principal:
Dear Chesterbrook Parents,
Here are a few friendly reminders.
June Weekly Themes:
Important Dates:
Looking Ahead:
If at anytime you have a question or concern, please feel free to stop in the office to speak with me…the door is always open.
Stacy and Maggie
School Spotlight
Congratulations to Teacher of the Month for June 2015:
Brianna Berrios
Brianna Berrios is the Head Teacher in our Beginner B room. She started working here in November of 2009 as an afternoon assistant and we quickly realized what a wonderful teacher she is. She has helped in every classroom in the school, but is in her second year as the Beginner B Head teacher…where she is a perfect fit. She is also our Links to Learning mentor to other teachers and staff members.
Miss Brianna, we are so lucky to have you!! Congratulations!
Classroom Bullets
This year has really flown by and our babies are growing up so fast. Congratulations to Travis for moving to our Toddler A room last month and to Caroline who will be moving up this month. Welcome Luke, Noah and Julianna to our class this month as well! We look forward to another month in our Infant room. We hope you can join us for our Father’s Day Picnic on June 12th at 3:30pm.
Toddler A
How time flies…it’s the end of the school year. This month we will be reviewing all of our colors, numbers, shapes, and sign language words that we have learned throughout the year. The skill we will be exploring is problem solving-encouraging the children to find solutions to a problem.
Our Father’s Day Picnic will be on Friday, June 12th at 3:30. Last but not least, a big THANK YOU toddlers and Toddler A parents for a wonderful year!
Toddler B
This month we celebrate Dad with a special treat. Details will follow and we hope you all can attend. Summer Camp is loaded with lots of fun activities. Please check out your calendar. Some of our Links to Learning activities for the month will be filling in words to familiar stories, using size words, and walking backwards.
Beginner A
This month we will introduce summer and warmer weather. Please check your child’s cubby for weather appropriate clothing. We will end our school year by reviewing previously learned material throughout the months. It has been a pleasure teaching your children this school year. We will have our Father’s Day Picnic on June 12th at 3:30. We are looking forward to starting Summer Camp on June 22nd.
Beginner B
We made it to June in Beginner B. This month we will be reviewing everything we learned this school year. In Math, we will focus on number concepts, sorting and matching. The children will continue to work with safety scissors to practice cutting. Our Father’s Day celebration is on Friday, June 12th at 3:30.
This year has flown by! The Intermediates class has grown so much. We are looking forward to our last month before summer. We will be continuing with communication, literacy, and writing. The children are doing a great job with writing their first names and using the pencils correctly! We will continue working on and reviewing the skills that we have learned all year. The children planted flowers for Science and the children are very excited about watching the plants develop! This month we will also be working on a lot of art projects for our Dads, graduating to the next class, and saying our goodbyes. We are looking forward to a great month….keep up the great work Intermediates!
It’s June already and our school year is in its final weeks! We are practicing for graduation daily and spending a lot of time creating fun memories. We’ll have a Father’s Day Picnic on June 12th at 3:30 pm, we hope you can all join us! The week of June 15-19 is our version of “Senior Week” with fun events daily so keep an eye out for the flyer about specific events! We would like to say what an honor it was teaching your children this year and how much we’ll miss them as they move up to Kindergarten!
Where has the school year gone? During the month of June we will be putting the finishing touches on our skills for first grade. A few reminders…our Father’s Day Picnic will be on Friday June 12th, look for more details to come. Graduation Day is Friday June 19th at Wedgewood Country Club at 1:00 pm. It has been a pleasure working with all of your families this year. Have a great summer and a wonderful first grade! Summer Camp begins 6/22 & Senior Week will be 6/15-6/19
Your Child’s Health
Summer Safety Tips
Keep your family safe this summer by following these tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).
Never leave children alone in or near the pool or spa, even for a moment.
Your Child’s Education
Ten Fun Ways to Keep Your Child Learning this Summer
Summer vacation can be either a learning wasteland or a learning paradise. The temptations are great for children to spend hours watching television or playing video games, but with a little ingenuity and planning, the summer can be transformed into a time to stretch the mind, explore new hobbies, learn about responsibility and build on skills learned during the school year.
10 Fun Summer Learning Activities
Here are some activities to get your child started on a summer of learning fun:
What better way to learn the basics of science and how things grow than to plant your own garden? You can start with seeds or small plants. Talk about what plants need to be hardy: air, water, sunlight and nutrients. Vegetables are especially fun and educational to plant because your child will learn where food comes from and will also get to eat the end product.
A family vacation is a perfect opportunity to create a trip scrapbook that will be a lasting souvenir of family adventures. Collect postcards, brochures and menus from restaurants and tourist attractions. Encourage your child to write descriptions of the places you visited and tell stories about your family’s escapades. Or suggest a scrapbook on your child’s favorite sports team or a chronicle of his year in school. The scrapbook might contain photos with captions, newspaper clippings or school mementos.
Young children can make their own puppet theater. Begin by cutting off the finger-ends of old gloves. Draw faces on these fingers with felt tip markers and glue on yarn for hair. They can plan a performance, make a simple stage at the park or on the steps of someone’s home, create playbills and sell tickets.
Toy stores and craft shops are full of kits for making things, from bird feeders to model airplanes to mosaic tableaux. These projects teach children to read and follow directions, and offer the added benefit of creating a finished product. Science experiment books encourage children to observe and ask questions while providing hours of hands-on fun using scientific concepts.
Even young children can learn to be responsible by helping to set the table, take care of a pet, clean out a closet, wash the car or paint the picket fence. Ask your child to be your energy consultant and help find ways to conserve energy in your house. Outside summer jobs and community service help children learn to be punctual, follow directions and serve others.
Half the fun of a trip starts before you get there. Involve your child in the planning by practicing how to use a map to find cities and tourist attractions, and how to estimate distances. If you are driving, work with your child to figure out how many gallons of gas it will take to get there and estimate the cost. If you are flying or traveling by train, check travel schedules and costs.
Research your destination in books and on the Internet. If you are going to a different state, look up information about the state, such as the state flower, state bird and interesting attractions. Have your child write to the state tourism bureau to ask for information.
Whether you are going on a trip far away or staying close to home, seek out places where children can learn how things are made. In San Francisco, you can visit a teddy bear factory; in Arkansas, a glass blowing studio; and in Hawaii, a macadamia nut factory. To learn about some of these options, see our “Helpful Books” tips on this page.
Get your children excited about visiting a museum by exploring the museum’s Web site and taking a virtual tour. When you go to a museum, take into account short attention spans and don’t try to cover a whole museum in one day. To make them less intimidating, start in the gift shop and let your child pick out some postcards of paintings or objects on display. Turn your museum trip into a treasure hunt by trying to find those paintings or objects in the museum. Look for interactive exhibits and for periods of history that your child has studied in school.
Composing a letter helps build writing skills and can be especially rewarding when your child gets a reply in the form of a cool free item. The book, Free Things for Kids, suggests more than 300 places you can write to get such items as stickers, temporary tattoos, comic books, magazines and sports memorabilia. Some of the items cost a dollar or less, but the majority are free. The author has been writing about “free stuff” for years and is considered an expert in the field. The book, updated annually, also includes Web sites to check out for free downloadable software, ezines or other items to send for by mail.
Summer is the perfect time for older children and teens to learn about the stock market and the value of investing. A good way to get started is to investigate publicly held companies that teens are familiar with, such as Apple Computer, eBay, Nike or Tootsie Roll. The Motley Fool “Teens and Money” Web site is devoted to helping teens learn about saving and investing. Your older child might also want to join a Junior Investor program to learn more about the stock market. It is also possible to help your teen get a head start on high school math by doing math puzzles.