August Newsletter
The Chesterbrook Academy staff hopes that everyone is having a fun and safe summer so far. The children were very busy in July traveling around the country on their “Road Trip” across the USA, learning all about the Rainforest, and experiencing the Arctic Chill. This month’s themes will be: Jr.Olympics, Pay it Forward, Favorite’s Week, and we moved our Under the Sea theme to our last week of summer camp.
We have joined forces with Herndon Elementary to make sure that every child gets a good start to the school year. August 10-14th we will be collecting school supplies to give to the less fortunate children that attend Herndon Elementary. This is not a required activity so please do not feel obligated to participate. When you bring a school supply to donate your name will be entered into a drawing for a $25 gift card to Carrabba’s. We will be drawing the name on Friday (August 14th) in the afternoon.
Some examples of needed items are:
– Glue sticks / Glue bottles – Tissues
– Crayons – Tape
– Pencils – Markers
– Rulers – Wide ruled loose leaf paper
– Back packs – Colored pencils
– Notebooks
Splash Days will continue until August 28th. Please continue to bring the following items:– Towel
– Water shoes (no crocs or flip flops please as these impose a hazard when wet)
– Complete change of outfit (shoes, underwear, top and bottoms)
– Bathing suit already on
– One application of sunscreen prior to arriving
During last month we welcomed new staff to our team. Please take time to say hello to:
– Mr. Kamyar: Joining our team as a floater this month. He has 9 years of experience working with children and adults with special needs. His passion is music and he can’t wait to share his love for music with the children. Mr. Kamyar has a Teacher’s Assistant Certificate and is eager to get to know the children and their families.
– Ms. Quiana: Joining our Beginner’s classroom. Quiana just graduated from high-school and is eager to start full-time with the work force. She loves working with children and can’t wait to meet all of the children and their families.
– Mr. Harry: Joining our team as the PreK1 Lead Teacher. He has a B.S. in Exercise Science and a M.S. in Sports Studies. His passion is health and fitness and he loves to play sports. He can’t wait to share his love for sports with the children and get to know them and their families.
– Ms. Hira: Joining Infant 2 on August 3rd. She has her Bachelor’s Degree in Education. Her passion is teaching young children and she is very eager to start with us in August!
– Ms. Chelsea: Joining our team as a floater August 9th. She is currently studying Early Childhood Education at NVCC. She can’t wait to put all of the skills she’s learning in school to work.
We are sad to say goodbye this month to:
– Knikki is moving to Texas and her last day will be Aug. 13
– Jessica and Amanda’s last day will be Aug. 21st (Attending Radford)
– Sally is moving to North Carolina and her last day will be Aug. 21st
What is Parent’s Night Out?
It’s where you can go out and have some fun shopping, eat dinner, see a movie, or just relax while we watch your children until 10pm.
• We will have pizza, juice, chips/cookies and a movie(G rated)
• $40.00 for the first child, and $70.00 for two kids
• Kids can wear PJ’s all day in school
• Enrolled children only
• Please sign up at the front Desk by Aug 4th
• You must give 48 hours notice before you cancel.
Dates to remember:
• August 7th-Parent’s Night Out 6:30-10pm
• August 10th-14th – please bring in a school supply to donate to the less fortunate and enter to win a $25 gift card to Carrabba’s
• August 19th- Crazy Hair Day
• August 28th – Pajama and Cookie Friday
• August 31sth _ Fall transition for the entire school
• September 3rd – Back to school night 6:30- 7:30 pm (for all students from Infant 1 to PK 2)
• September 7th – Labor day NO SCHOOL
We also want to remind everyone that if you are planning to use your vacation credit (this credit is earned after 6 months of attendance at Chesterbrook) a two week notice is required.
Thank you,
Adrienne & Lauren
Reestablishing Routines for Your Preschooler
As we reach the end of summer, now is a great time to reestablish comforting routines for your preschooler. Routines help children build self-confidence and independence, cope with transitions, and gain a better understanding of the world around them.
Our Links to Learning curriculum promotes students’ social and emotional development, which is necessary for following directions and demonstrating self-control. Our teachers focus on the importance of healthy living and safety routines in the Wellness component of our curriculum.
Here are some examples of ways we establish routines in the classroom, as well as ideas for you and your child to do at home.
TODDLERS (ages 1-2):
In the classroom: Naptime gives children an opportunity to recharge and reboot. Our toddlers transition from napping in cribs to napping in cots. Teachers schedule naps at the same time and in the same area of the classroom every day. Soothing music is played to help toddlers wind down.
At home: Talk with your child’s teacher about the naptime routine at school. Minimize naptime battles by attempting to maintain the same routine at home.
Recommended reading: Naptime by Elizabeth Verdick
BEGINNERS (ages 2-3):
In the classroom: Around age two, children begin to learn basic self-help skills such as dressing themselves. Our Beginner students practice snaps and zippers, and are encouraged to complete basic sequences like putting on socks before shoes.
At home: Offer your child a choice during routines in order to increase his interest in the activity. For example, lay out two outfit options for him to wear. Allow him to choose the outfit he prefers. Give him ample time to dress himself before offering assistance. Praise every attempt.
Recommended reading: Let’s Get Dressed by Caroline Church
In the classroom: Teachers focus on the importance of sleep in the Wellness component of our curriculum. Students read and act out We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Helen Oxenbury and Michael Rosen. They discuss why the bear was sleeping, and why sleep is important.
At home: Create a bedtime routine for your child. For example, bathe, brush teeth, read a story, go to sleep. Follow the same sequence of events at the same time and in the same order every night.
Recommended reading: The Going-to-Bed Book by Sandra Boynton
PRE-K/PRE-K 2 (ages 4-5):
In the classroom: Our older students follow an arrival routine at the start of every school day. They sign themselves in, say goodbye to their parents, and put away their belongings. Students learn rhymes and songs to help remind themselves what to do when they enter the classroom.
At home: Mornings are critical for setting the tone for a successful and positive day. Establish a morning routine for your child with a maximum of four steps. For example, get dressed, brush hair, brush teeth, eat breakfast.
Recommended reading: Waking Up is Hard to Do by Neil Sedaka & Howard Greenfield
Following routines helps children develop the habits of responsibility that will be crucial for their future success and well-being. Kindergarten students are expected to follow instructions, listen to their teacher and complete specific tasks. By setting routines in the preschool years, your child will be better prepared as he enters elementary school and beyond.
– Lauren Starnes, PhD – Director of Early Childhood Education
August News
August Newsletter
The Chesterbrook Academy staff hopes that everyone is having a fun and safe summer so far. The children were very busy in July traveling around the country on their “Road Trip” across the USA, learning all about the Rainforest, and experiencing the Arctic Chill. This month’s themes will be: Jr.Olympics, Pay it Forward, Favorite’s Week, and we moved our Under the Sea theme to our last week of summer camp.
We have joined forces with Herndon Elementary to make sure that every child gets a good start to the school year. August 10-14th we will be collecting school supplies to give to the less fortunate children that attend Herndon Elementary. This is not a required activity so please do not feel obligated to participate. When you bring a school supply to donate your name will be entered into a drawing for a $25 gift card to Carrabba’s. We will be drawing the name on Friday (August 14th) in the afternoon.
Some examples of needed items are:
– Glue sticks / Glue bottles – Tissues
– Crayons – Tape
– Pencils – Markers
– Rulers – Wide ruled loose leaf paper
– Back packs – Colored pencils
– Notebooks
Splash Days will continue until August 28th. Please continue to bring the following items:– Towel
– Water shoes (no crocs or flip flops please as these impose a hazard when wet)
– Complete change of outfit (shoes, underwear, top and bottoms)
– Bathing suit already on
– One application of sunscreen prior to arriving
During last month we welcomed new staff to our team. Please take time to say hello to:
– Mr. Kamyar: Joining our team as a floater this month. He has 9 years of experience working with children and adults with special needs. His passion is music and he can’t wait to share his love for music with the children. Mr. Kamyar has a Teacher’s Assistant Certificate and is eager to get to know the children and their families.
– Ms. Quiana: Joining our Beginner’s classroom. Quiana just graduated from high-school and is eager to start full-time with the work force. She loves working with children and can’t wait to meet all of the children and their families.
– Mr. Harry: Joining our team as the PreK1 Lead Teacher. He has a B.S. in Exercise Science and a M.S. in Sports Studies. His passion is health and fitness and he loves to play sports. He can’t wait to share his love for sports with the children and get to know them and their families.
– Ms. Hira: Joining Infant 2 on August 3rd. She has her Bachelor’s Degree in Education. Her passion is teaching young children and she is very eager to start with us in August!
– Ms. Chelsea: Joining our team as a floater August 9th. She is currently studying Early Childhood Education at NVCC. She can’t wait to put all of the skills she’s learning in school to work.
We are sad to say goodbye this month to:
– Knikki is moving to Texas and her last day will be Aug. 13
– Jessica and Amanda’s last day will be Aug. 21st (Attending Radford)
– Sally is moving to North Carolina and her last day will be Aug. 21st
What is Parent’s Night Out?
It’s where you can go out and have some fun shopping, eat dinner, see a movie, or just relax while we watch your children until 10pm.
• We will have pizza, juice, chips/cookies and a movie(G rated)
• $40.00 for the first child, and $70.00 for two kids
• Kids can wear PJ’s all day in school
• Enrolled children only
• Please sign up at the front Desk by Aug 4th
• You must give 48 hours notice before you cancel.
Dates to remember:
• August 7th-Parent’s Night Out 6:30-10pm
• August 10th-14th – please bring in a school supply to donate to the less fortunate and enter to win a $25 gift card to Carrabba’s
• August 19th- Crazy Hair Day
• August 28th – Pajama and Cookie Friday
• August 31sth _ Fall transition for the entire school
• September 3rd – Back to school night 6:30- 7:30 pm (for all students from Infant 1 to PK 2)
• September 7th – Labor day NO SCHOOL
We also want to remind everyone that if you are planning to use your vacation credit (this credit is earned after 6 months of attendance at Chesterbrook) a two week notice is required.
Thank you,
Adrienne & Lauren
Reestablishing Routines for Your Preschooler
As we reach the end of summer, now is a great time to reestablish comforting routines for your preschooler. Routines help children build self-confidence and independence, cope with transitions, and gain a better understanding of the world around them.
Our Links to Learning curriculum promotes students’ social and emotional development, which is necessary for following directions and demonstrating self-control. Our teachers focus on the importance of healthy living and safety routines in the Wellness component of our curriculum.
Here are some examples of ways we establish routines in the classroom, as well as ideas for you and your child to do at home.
TODDLERS (ages 1-2):
In the classroom: Naptime gives children an opportunity to recharge and reboot. Our toddlers transition from napping in cribs to napping in cots. Teachers schedule naps at the same time and in the same area of the classroom every day. Soothing music is played to help toddlers wind down.
At home: Talk with your child’s teacher about the naptime routine at school. Minimize naptime battles by attempting to maintain the same routine at home.
Recommended reading: Naptime by Elizabeth Verdick
BEGINNERS (ages 2-3):
In the classroom: Around age two, children begin to learn basic self-help skills such as dressing themselves. Our Beginner students practice snaps and zippers, and are encouraged to complete basic sequences like putting on socks before shoes.
At home: Offer your child a choice during routines in order to increase his interest in the activity. For example, lay out two outfit options for him to wear. Allow him to choose the outfit he prefers. Give him ample time to dress himself before offering assistance. Praise every attempt.
Recommended reading: Let’s Get Dressed by Caroline Church
In the classroom: Teachers focus on the importance of sleep in the Wellness component of our curriculum. Students read and act out We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Helen Oxenbury and Michael Rosen. They discuss why the bear was sleeping, and why sleep is important.
At home: Create a bedtime routine for your child. For example, bathe, brush teeth, read a story, go to sleep. Follow the same sequence of events at the same time and in the same order every night.
Recommended reading: The Going-to-Bed Book by Sandra Boynton
PRE-K/PRE-K 2 (ages 4-5):
In the classroom: Our older students follow an arrival routine at the start of every school day. They sign themselves in, say goodbye to their parents, and put away their belongings. Students learn rhymes and songs to help remind themselves what to do when they enter the classroom.
At home: Mornings are critical for setting the tone for a successful and positive day. Establish a morning routine for your child with a maximum of four steps. For example, get dressed, brush hair, brush teeth, eat breakfast.
Recommended reading: Waking Up is Hard to Do by Neil Sedaka & Howard Greenfield
Following routines helps children develop the habits of responsibility that will be crucial for their future success and well-being. Kindergarten students are expected to follow instructions, listen to their teacher and complete specific tasks. By setting routines in the preschool years, your child will be better prepared as he enters elementary school and beyond.
– Lauren Starnes, PhD – Director of Early Childhood Education