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November News

From the Principal’s Office

Dear families,

Well it feels like a lot has happened since our last newsletter went out. I am so glad that we all survived the flood with relatively minimal damage to our Chesterbrook Family. What a stressful time for everyone that was. It was great to realize however that we live in a community that cares. I want to thank everyone who inquired about our staff and their safety, it meant a lot. I do want to take the time to thank Melissa, Andrea and Joanne. Without their willingness to help with boiling water for 190 children for a week and making sure it was constantly distributed to classrooms, we would not have been able to open for you. I was not impressed to land in Las Vegas for our annual Principals conference to be informed by the pilot that Las Vegas was experiencing rain (very rare) and that flash flooding warnings were in place. Thankfully by the time we reached out hotel, the rain had stopped.

We also want to remind you that as we were closed for two days, we are giving Veterans Day back to you. This is a Professional Development Day for all Nobel schools, but we are giving it back. We shall be open for business as normal.

As the weather is changing, please make sure that your children are dressed appropriately. We do try to take the children outside every day, and we want them to be comfortable. Also make sure that your child’s changes of clothes are seasonally appropriate. Layers are great as the classroom temperature can vary. It is a great help to us if jackets and sweaters are labeled with names to help avoiding losing them. Please make sure that our uniform policy is being followed at all times unless it is a special occasion.

Our teachers are also working very hard in the classrooms to prevent cold germs being shared. As a reminder, please encourage your children to wash their hands on arrival at school.

This is the month that we try to remember all that we are Thankful for. We shall be closed on Thanksgiving Day, and also the day after so that everyone can celebrate with their families.

As always, we are thankful for you and all that you do to make our school the best place that it can be.



Helen Parks, Principal


  • 1 – Daylight Saving Time (turn clocks back 1 hour)
  • 2 – Harvest Hope Fundraiser begins (please donate any non-perishable items)
  • 2-6 – Student/Parent Reports go home this week
  • 7 – Open House – Invite a family member or friend to come to our Open House between the hours of 10am-1pm
  • 6-23 – Popcorn Factory & Fannie Mae Chocolate Fundraiser Begins
  • 16-20 – Parent/Teacher Conference Week
  • 23 – Popcorn Factory & Fannie Mae Chocolate Fundraiser Order Forms & Payment Due
  • 26-27 – School Closed – Thanksgiving Holiday
  • 30 – Links to Learning Folders Go Home


Wednesday, November 4th
Assembly St. Library
– Room 8
– Cost is $1.00
– Leaving at: 8:45am
– Wear navy Chesterbrook logo t-shirt

Tuesday, November 10th
Texas Roadhouse Restaurant
– Room 10
– Cost: $6.00
– Leaving at: 8:40am
– Wear navy Chesterbrook logo t-shirt

Thursday, November 12th
Assembly St. Library
– Room 7
– Cost: $1.00
– Leaving at: 8:45am
– Wear navy Chesterbrook logo t-shirt

Tuesday, November 17th
Texas Roadhouse Restaurant
– Room 10
– Cost: $6.00
– Leaving at: 8:40am
– Wear navy Chesterbrook logo t-shirt


LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!! We invite you to “like” our page at www.facebook.com/ChesterbrookAcademy where we’ll be providing our fans with regular educational tips for children from preschool to 8th grade and the opportunity to network with fellow parents. We would love to have your participation in this forum and encourage you to continue to check our school website for local updates specific to our own school. We look forward to having you as part of our Facebook community!

Open House: Invite a family member or friend to come to our Open House on Saturday, November 7, 2015 between the hours of 10am-1pm. This is a great opportunity to meet the staff, tour the facility and see first hand how Chesterbrook Academy makes a difference in the lives of children!!


Entry & Exit Doors: ** DO NOT USE THE BACK DOOR FOR ENTRY TO THE SCHOOL!!!** As you all know there is a code required for entry to the school. Please be sure to limit the code to family members and/or friends that are picking up your child(ren) on a regular basis. Do not give the code to your child(ren). In addition, everyone should use the front entrance for drop off and pick up. We advise strongly not to let individuals in the side entry door, as this person may or may not be a Chesterbrook parent or other family member. The side door is to only be used as an exit. This guarantees the safety of Chesterbrook Academy students and staff. Thanks in advance for your cooperation in this matter.

Chesterbrook Academy & Queensboro Apparel Company: If you are interested in ordering Chesterbrook Logo apparel for your child(ren), please view our online store. You may notice all the wonderful colors available, but please keep in mind that Chesterbrook Academy uniform colors are Navy, White and Forest/Dark Green.

Chesterbrook Academy & Mabel’s Labels: As a way to target the problem of lost belongings and a large lost and found closet, Chesterbrook Academy is fundraising with Mabel’s Labels, a company with all types of labels that are colorful, indestructible, easy-to-use and fun! Iron-Ons, Stickies, Bag Tags, Allergy Alert labels & more! Personalize your labels with names, nicknames, initials – whatever you choose. Cool icons help even little ones identify their own belongings. Dishwasher, microwave, laundry & kid tested! Dispatched within 24 hours!

Visit www.chesterbrookacademy.mabelslabels.com to place your order.

For Parents

Tuition: Parents, please understand the importance of paying your tuition & paying it on time! Payments are due every Friday for the coming week. Late fees will be applied at 12 noon on Monday following the due date. Unpaid tuition, more than a week past due, will result in immediate dis-enrollment. If you have any questions, please see Helen, Melissa or Andrea in the front office. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

Field Trips for the 2015-16 School Year: Please be reminded that students must wear the Chesterbrook logo navy t-shirts on field trips.  All monies for field trips are to be collected by someone in the front office.  Please be sure to turn in signed permission slips for scheduled field trips to your child’s teacher.

Automatic Payment Program: Parents this is a very easy way for you to not worry about writing those checks every week and avoiding late fees. APP can be used to pay tuition only invoices or all invoices (tuition, registration & activity fees). Please see Helen, Melissa or Andrea in the front office for details and information on getting signed up or you can print the form from the link on the school website. In addition, you can also set up online bill-pay through your bank.

Contact Information: Please be sure that all home, work, cell and pager numbers and any other contact information is up to date in your child’s file. This helps the staff at Chesterbrook have every available option to contact the parent(s) in the event of an emergency.

E-Mail Addresses: Please update your email addresses with the front office in order to receive important information about upcoming and/or emergency events from the school. We can send email notifications to more than one email address.

School Operating Hours: This is a friendly reminder that Chesterbrook’s hours of operation are 7:00 am – 6:00 pm, Monday thru Friday. Half day hours of operation are 8:30 am – 11:30 am. The late pick up fee is $15 per child for the first 15 minutes and an additional $15 per child for each quarter hour after the regularly scheduled pick up time. Also parents, if you are running late and its close to closing time, please be sure to give the school a courtesy call.

Parent Ambassador Program: Spread the word about our school and save on your child’s tuition! Refer a new family to our school and you could earn a free week of tuition. For more information on our Ambassador Program, see your school’s principal. The current referring Chesterbrook family will receive a discount after the referred child has attended full time for 3 months. Discount applies to the tuition of the oldest child in the referring family.

For Parents & Teachers

NUT FREE SCHOOL: We have several children enrolled at Chesterbrook Academy with severe nut allergies. Please do not send your child to school with food containing any type of nut products.

Prescription Policy for Chronic or Allergic Conditions:
Medication may be brought in for chronic or life threatening medical conditions. All medications must be in their original container with the prescription label attached to include the proper administering time(s) and dosage to be given. For the use of a nebulizer, a letter or note will be required from your child’s doctor’s office stating time(s) to be administered and the tubule dosage to be given. In addition, an “Authorization to Administer Medication Form” must be completed and turned in by the parent. Please see Helen, Melissa or Andrea in the front office if you have any questions or concerns.

Weather Policy: In the event of severe weather, we will make every effort to open on schedule and to remain open during the course of our regular hours of operation. In the event that severe weather requires us to close our school, delay our school or close early, parents will be notified initially by e-notify. Please make sure we have your most current email address and that you have added us to your address book so our message does not go to spam. In the event that your employer will not allow you to receive email at work, please provide us with an alternate email address for you. Parents may also call the school’s voicemail at 803-699-9988 and listen to the prerecorded message by 5:30 a.m. for information regarding the operating hours. Information will also be posted to the school’s website which is http://Wildewood.ChesterbrookAcademy.com. You can also tune into WIS channel 10 and/or WLTX channel 19 for closing and/or delay information.
**Chesterbrook Academy DOES NOT follow the schedule of Richland School District 2 during weather delays or closings**

Sign In & Out Books: We wanted to take this time to remind you all about an important security here at Chesterbrook. Please remember to sign your child in and out every day on the class Sign In/Out sheets located outside or inside of your child’s classroom everyday. If someone on your child’s authorized pick-up list is picking up, please remind him or her to do so as well. Although we have never had any problem nor do we expect to in the future, this is an important security measure that keeps all of the children safe. Thank you for your continued compliance with our security policies.

Uniform Policy: All children from 3 year old Preschool and up are required to wear uniforms daily at Chesterbrook Academy.  The official uniform is navy blue (NOT jean) or khaki bottoms and white, navy blue or hunter green solid tops.  Girls may also wear navy blue or khaki jumpers, skirts, skorts, or the plaid jumper offered by the uniform company, Flynn & O’Hara.  Shoes should be white, black, brown, or navy blue and preferably athletic type.

Parking Policy

  • Traffic should enter the school parking lot at the first driveway and exit through the carport out the last driveway.
  • Cars should be parked in designated parking spaces or on the road above the school.
  • Please do not park under the carport, behind the bus, or in front of the dumpster.
  • Please do not block the mailbox.
  • All preschoolers must be escorted into the school by an adult.
  • Elementary students may be dropped off at the front door. Cars should stop in the right lane only and students should exit their cars through the passenger side door.
  • Please do not allow your child to run through the parking lot unattended or play on the hill.
  • Please drive slowly on school property. Be courteous and patient with other drivers and watch out for our children.

Illness Policy
A parent of a child that is determined to be ill shall be notified immediately. The child must be picked up within an hour of notification. No child shall be allowed to remain at school with the following conditions:

  • Elevated Temperature (100 degrees or higher)
  • Vomiting and/or Diarrhea
  • Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)
  • Head Lice
  • Other Communicable Diseases (ie. chicken pox, strep throat, etc.)

Student Pick-Up: Parents, please be sure to inform the teachers and/or front office if another family member or friend will pick up your child. This applies to names that are on your list as well as names that are not. If it will be the first time the family member or friend picks up your child, please remind them to bring in their drivers license when they come in. This is very important to insure the safety of your child(ren).

School Spotlight
“Ronald McDonald House”

Thank you Chesterbrook Families for your generous donations
to the Ronald McDonald House of Columbia, S.C.  The families
were very thankful and gracious for the items provided.  The Chesterbrook
family looks forward to building a lasting relationship with this foundation.

Ronald McDonald

November Birthdays


2 – Sincere Byrd
2 – Ellis Sweeting
4 – Layne Gregory
4 – Justin Medrano
6 – Charleston Rose Smith
7 – Jacques West
10 – Briella Rose Valentine
12 – Zachary Abraham
14 – Sebastian Smith
17 – Madison Williams
18 – Kai Barczak
19 – Mara Sefcik
22 – Zion Murray
23 – J.R. Brooks
24 – Shaina Carlson
25 – Landon Root
29 – Harper Randall


12 – Andrea Green
14 – Joanne Vaughn
21 – Nichole Jay
25 – Cassie Parham

From the Education Department


4 Ways to Instill Thankfulness in Young Children

It’s never too early to teach your child about thankfulness. By learning concepts of generosity and compassion, children strengthen their connection to their community and become sensitive to the feelings of others.

The holiday season is quickly approaching, so now is a great time to reinforce the importance of thankfulness and giving back to those in need.

Below are age appropriate activities that we implement in the classroom, as well as activities for you and your child to do at home.

TODDLERS: Be a good role model

In the classroom: Our teachers introduce “please” and “thank you” to our toddlers by using sign language and verbal communication. Students practice good manners with their dolls, stuffed animals and each other.

At home: Modeling positive behaviors is a great way to teach your child good manners. Say “please” before asking him to do something, and always follow with “thank you.”

Recommended reading: Little Critter® I Am Helping by Mercer Mayer

BEGINNERS: Share your gratitude out loud

In the classroom: Our teachers encourage our Beginner students to name a few of their favorite toys and games, and bring one in from home to share with friends. By sharing their belongings, children nurture connections with their classmates, and build necessary problem-solving skills.

At home: Talk with your child about the things in your life for which you are thankful, and ask him to name a few as well. Extend the discussion beyond physical possessions. For instance, if he is thankful for a favorite toy, say “Grandma bought you that toy, and we are thankful for her.”

Recommended reading: Spot Helps Out by Eric Hill

INTERMEDIATES: Show appreciation through actions

In the classroom: By age three, children begin to understand the concept of appreciation. They create birthday cards for their teachers, make art projects for friends, and write thank you cards for classroom visitors.

At home:  Go shopping with your child, and buy a small token of appreciation for a friend or family member. Ask your child to draw a picture or write a thank you note to accompany the gift.

Recommended reading: Clifford’s Good Deeds by Norman Bridwell

PRE-K/PRE-K2: Give back to those in need

In the classroom: During the holidays, many of our schools host donation drives for organizations in need. Our older preschoolers discuss why they are participating, count the items donated, and sometimes have the opportunity to deliver the donations.

At home: Donate canned goods to a local food pantry, and allow your child to choose the food that he would like to donate. Explain to him that you are thankful to have good food to eat, and that you want to make sure that others have the same.

Recommended reading: The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein

We provide many opportunities for our preschoolers to develop thankfulness and show gratitude towards others. By setting this positive foundation, your child will be more appreciative and generous as he enters elementary school and beyond.

– Lauren Starnes, PhD – Director of Early Childhood Education

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