Dear Chesterbrook Parents,
The year’s end is quickly approaching and we have had such a wonderful start to our school year. We have celebrated our Back to School night and Fall Festival so far and there is so much more to come! Thank you to everyone who helped make those special events truly special for our students! We have out annual turkey luncheon coming this month and it is sure to be fun for all!
Please see the calendar for a complete list of dates for events and school closings. We will be closed 3 days this month- Wednesday, November 11 in observance of Veteran’s day. Our teachers and staff will all be working that day on professional development training’s, however we will not be open to students that day. We will also be closed Thursday 26th and Friday November 27th in observance of Thanksgiving. I hope anyone traveling has a safe and happy holiday! And if you are not traveling, a wonderful time at home!
If you child is not currently enrolled in one of our enrichment programs, is not too late to sign up! We are offering Soccer Shots, Music for Little Ones, or JumpBunch. They have some great things going on this fall and we would love for your child to join us! Please see Melissa or myself to get your child signed up. We can and will still offer MusIQ Club, which is a piano based music class, if we have enough students interested.
We had a wonderful time at our Fall Festival! Thank you to everyone who came out and made it all happen! The children and teachers had so much fun! I also want to say a HUGE thank you to all that have bought t-shirts and bracelets to hep support our Levi. He stopped by the school last week to pick up his sister and he is doing great! He is so ready to come back to school! We all can’t wait! So a huge thank you from us and from his family for your support with this!
Please make sure you are checking your child’s folder/cubby each day for important letters, fundraiser information and other things. Let us know if you have questions!
As always, thank you for your support for Chesterbrook Academy! Here’s to another wonderful month!
Lindsey Soban, principal
Fun Recipe
Carrot and Pumpkin Turkey Snack

What you’ll need:
- Pumpkin bread/ muffin
- Carrots
- Seedless red grapes
- Seedless green grapes
- Slice of apple—eyes & wattle
How to make it:
- Cut a round slice of pumpkin bread or a pumpkin muffin for the turkey body.
- Wash and peel carrots, then cut lengthwise slices.
- Cut feathers and legs from these slices.
- Cut the end from a red grape and use large piece for head.
- Cut “wattle” from a thin apple slice and, using a small straw, cut out two little eyes.

November 7th- Open House from 10am – 1pm
November 11th – CLOSED in observance of Veteran’s day
November 20th- Thanksgiving Turkey Luncheon starting between (schedule for classes TBA)
November 25th- End of the Month folders go home with Progress Notes
November 26th- CLOSED in observance of Thanksgiving
November 27th- CLOSED in observance of Thanksgiving
Why spend your evenings and weekends driving to and from practices and programs when your child can participate in there right here at school? Please see the front desk for more information on any of these wonderful programs!MONDAYS: MUSIC FOR LITTLE ONES @ 10am

Weekly music classes with Music For Little Ones will be lots of fun!! Each week the children will participate in different songs, and activities with music. They will even get to try different musical instruments. They will receive a CD of all songs learned that session. It is a wonderful, musical experience!TUESDAYS: Soccer Shots @ 10am

Soccer Shots has three rules: Score a goal, be a team player, and HAVE FUN! This is a great way to get some extra physical fitness in and have a blast doing it! Spaces are still available so sign up today!!THURSDAYS: JUMP BUNCH @ 10am

Jump Bunch introduces sports and fitness to your child in a hands-on setting. It builds coordination and interest in sports, teaches through constant praise and encouragement, offers a safe, non-competitive environment, and promotes healthy fitness and nutrition!
Is a piano based music program for children ages 3 and up. Classical music and keyboard skills are taught. Please see us for more details.

4 Ways to Instill Thankfulness in Young Children
It’s never too early to teach your child about thankfulness. By learning concepts of generosity and compassion, children strengthen their connection to their community and become sensitive to the feelings of others.
The holiday season is quickly approaching, so now is a great time to reinforce the importance of thankfulness and giving back to those in need.
Below are age appropriate activities that we implement in the classroom, as well as activities for you and your child to do at home.
TODDLERS: Be a good role model
In the classroom: Our teachers introduce “please” and “thank you” to our toddlers by using sign language and verbal communication. Students practice good manners with their dolls, stuffed animals and each other.
At home: Modeling positive behaviors is a great way to teach your child good manners. Say “please” before asking him to do something, and always follow with “thank you.”
Recommended reading: Little Critter® I Am Helping by Mercer Mayer
BEGINNERS: Share your gratitude out loud
In the classroom: Our teachers encourage our Beginner students to name a few of their favorite toys and games, and bring one in from home to share with friends. By sharing their belongings, children nurture connections with their classmates, and build necessary problem-solving skills.
At home: Talk with your child about the things in your life for which you are thankful, and ask him to name a few as well. Extend the discussion beyond physical possessions. For instance, if he is thankful for a favorite toy, say “Grandma bought you that toy, and we are thankful for her.”
Recommended reading: Spot Helps Out by Eric Hill
INTERMEDIATES: Show appreciation through actions
In the classroom: By age three, children begin to understand the concept of appreciation. They create birthday cards for their teachers, make art projects for friends, and write thank you cards for classroom visitors.
At home: Go shopping with your child, and buy a small token of appreciation for a friend or family member. Ask your child to draw a picture or write a thank you note to accompany the gift.
Recommended reading: Clifford’s Good Deeds by Norman Bridwell
PRE-K/PRE-K2: Give back to those in need
In the classroom: During the holidays, many of our schools host donation drives for organizations in need. Our older preschoolers discuss why they are participating, count the items donated, and sometimes have the opportunity to deliver the donations.
At home: Donate canned goods to a local food pantry, and allow your child to choose the food that he would like to donate. Explain to him that you are thankful to have good food to eat, and that you want to make sure that others have the same.
Recommended reading: The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein
We provide many opportunities for our preschoolers to develop thankfulness and show gratitude towards others. By setting this positive foundation, your child will be more appreciative and generous as he enters elementary school and beyond.
– Lauren Starnes, PhD – Director of Early Childhood Education
November News Letter
Dear Chesterbrook Parents,
The year’s end is quickly approaching and we have had such a wonderful start to our school year. We have celebrated our Back to School night and Fall Festival so far and there is so much more to come! Thank you to everyone who helped make those special events truly special for our students! We have out annual turkey luncheon coming this month and it is sure to be fun for all!
Please see the calendar for a complete list of dates for events and school closings. We will be closed 3 days this month- Wednesday, November 11 in observance of Veteran’s day. Our teachers and staff will all be working that day on professional development training’s, however we will not be open to students that day. We will also be closed Thursday 26th and Friday November 27th in observance of Thanksgiving. I hope anyone traveling has a safe and happy holiday! And if you are not traveling, a wonderful time at home!
If you child is not currently enrolled in one of our enrichment programs, is not too late to sign up! We are offering Soccer Shots, Music for Little Ones, or JumpBunch. They have some great things going on this fall and we would love for your child to join us! Please see Melissa or myself to get your child signed up. We can and will still offer MusIQ Club, which is a piano based music class, if we have enough students interested.
We had a wonderful time at our Fall Festival! Thank you to everyone who came out and made it all happen! The children and teachers had so much fun! I also want to say a HUGE thank you to all that have bought t-shirts and bracelets to hep support our Levi. He stopped by the school last week to pick up his sister and he is doing great! He is so ready to come back to school! We all can’t wait! So a huge thank you from us and from his family for your support with this!
Please make sure you are checking your child’s folder/cubby each day for important letters, fundraiser information and other things. Let us know if you have questions!
As always, thank you for your support for Chesterbrook Academy! Here’s to another wonderful month!
Lindsey Soban, principal
Fun Recipe
Carrot and Pumpkin Turkey Snack
What you’ll need:
How to make it:
November 7th- Open House from 10am – 1pm
November 11th – CLOSED in observance of Veteran’s day
November 20th- Thanksgiving Turkey Luncheon starting between (schedule for classes TBA)
November 25th- End of the Month folders go home with Progress Notes
November 26th- CLOSED in observance of Thanksgiving
November 27th- CLOSED in observance of Thanksgiving
Why spend your evenings and weekends driving to and from practices and programs when your child can participate in there right here at school? Please see the front desk for more information on any of these wonderful programs!MONDAYS: MUSIC FOR LITTLE ONES @ 10am
Weekly music classes with Music For Little Ones will be lots of fun!! Each week the children will participate in different songs, and activities with music. They will even get to try different musical instruments. They will receive a CD of all songs learned that session. It is a wonderful, musical experience!TUESDAYS: Soccer Shots @ 10am
Soccer Shots has three rules: Score a goal, be a team player, and HAVE FUN! This is a great way to get some extra physical fitness in and have a blast doing it! Spaces are still available so sign up today!!THURSDAYS: JUMP BUNCH @ 10am
Jump Bunch introduces sports and fitness to your child in a hands-on setting. It builds coordination and interest in sports, teaches through constant praise and encouragement, offers a safe, non-competitive environment, and promotes healthy fitness and nutrition!
Is a piano based music program for children ages 3 and up. Classical music and keyboard skills are taught. Please see us for more details.
4 Ways to Instill Thankfulness in Young Children
It’s never too early to teach your child about thankfulness. By learning concepts of generosity and compassion, children strengthen their connection to their community and become sensitive to the feelings of others.
The holiday season is quickly approaching, so now is a great time to reinforce the importance of thankfulness and giving back to those in need.
Below are age appropriate activities that we implement in the classroom, as well as activities for you and your child to do at home.
TODDLERS: Be a good role model
In the classroom: Our teachers introduce “please” and “thank you” to our toddlers by using sign language and verbal communication. Students practice good manners with their dolls, stuffed animals and each other.
At home: Modeling positive behaviors is a great way to teach your child good manners. Say “please” before asking him to do something, and always follow with “thank you.”
Recommended reading: Little Critter® I Am Helping by Mercer Mayer
BEGINNERS: Share your gratitude out loud
In the classroom: Our teachers encourage our Beginner students to name a few of their favorite toys and games, and bring one in from home to share with friends. By sharing their belongings, children nurture connections with their classmates, and build necessary problem-solving skills.
At home: Talk with your child about the things in your life for which you are thankful, and ask him to name a few as well. Extend the discussion beyond physical possessions. For instance, if he is thankful for a favorite toy, say “Grandma bought you that toy, and we are thankful for her.”
Recommended reading: Spot Helps Out by Eric Hill
INTERMEDIATES: Show appreciation through actions
In the classroom: By age three, children begin to understand the concept of appreciation. They create birthday cards for their teachers, make art projects for friends, and write thank you cards for classroom visitors.
At home: Go shopping with your child, and buy a small token of appreciation for a friend or family member. Ask your child to draw a picture or write a thank you note to accompany the gift.
Recommended reading: Clifford’s Good Deeds by Norman Bridwell
PRE-K/PRE-K2: Give back to those in need
In the classroom: During the holidays, many of our schools host donation drives for organizations in need. Our older preschoolers discuss why they are participating, count the items donated, and sometimes have the opportunity to deliver the donations.
At home: Donate canned goods to a local food pantry, and allow your child to choose the food that he would like to donate. Explain to him that you are thankful to have good food to eat, and that you want to make sure that others have the same.
Recommended reading: The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein
We provide many opportunities for our preschoolers to develop thankfulness and show gratitude towards others. By setting this positive foundation, your child will be more appreciative and generous as he enters elementary school and beyond.
– Lauren Starnes, PhD – Director of Early Childhood Education