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Newsletter, Letter from Principal Dec. 2015

Dear Chesterbrook Academy,

How is it December already? Every year, it seems to sneak up on us – but here we are again, with the holidays and the New Year looming! It’s always a busy time of year for us all, and our school days are no exception!

I’d like to take a moment and say thank you for all of our families who supported last month’s book fair, our food drive and provided items for our Thanksgiving luncheon – a heartfelt thank you for your continual support of our school…you are making a difference in so many children’s lives with your generosity!

This coming month we have a few special events geared toward maintaining a fun, festive atmosphere here at school. Please refer to our calendar for details on upcoming events – if you would like to join us, please do! Now is also a great time of year to volunteer some time in your child’s class – you can read a story, lead a craft or participate in one of our special events. We would love to have you!

If you have school age children to register for Winter Gap Camp, please visit the office. Along with the holidays, there are a few days of school closure and limited hours – our school calendar contains all the information you need to know, and please let us know if you have any questions.

As always, thank you for your support and we look forward to sharing this joyful time of year with you and your families.

Thank you,
Ms. Rebecca

Chesterbrook Academy News

Welcome New Students & Teachers:

Let’s take a minute to welcome all the students who started with our school in October and November:

Mason M., Makhail M., Lily B., Olivia H., Milian B., Olivia B., Mary N., Haylen S., Karinna R., Mikayla D.
Alivia H., Rufus R., Linda N., as well as Ms. Lolita & Ms. Ajee.


Monthly School Safety Reminder:

CBA Door Entry:
We ask that you please do NOT share the code for the door; this includes sharing with the children. The code is meant for parent use only. If you have someone different picking up your child please have them ring the bell. Also, please refrain from letting those you do not know in the door behind you.

We change this code quarterly in an effort to keep the school secure, more often as needed.

We need all families help in continuing to maintain a safe school. We thank you for your continued support.


Classroom in the Spotlight:
School Age Program: Winter Break Camp

Great memories are built at our camps!

Our camps offer fun filled programs for children ages 5-12. Each week, campers jump into action, participating in exciting sports programs, exploring nature, becoming involved in performing and creative arts, playing a part in group activities and attending special events or trips.

During the school year, we offer winter and spring break school age camps. For the 2015-2016 school year, winter break camp will be held December 21st to 24th and December 28th to 31st and spring break camp will be held March 21st to 25th.
Parents of School Aged Children are encouraged to sign up early!


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