Dear Parents,
WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL! We hope you had a wonderful holiday season! On behalf of the entire Chesterbrook Academy staff, Ms. Pezzullo and I would like to extend a special thank you to our families for your heartfelt holiday wishes and lovely gifts! Your thoughtfulness and generosity is much appreciated.
Our school-wide “Holiday Workshop” theme came to life in each classroom. Dramatic play centers and activities captured the spirit of the season. We are grateful for creative teachers, supportive parents and eager students, ready to learn about the world around them.
January always reminds us of when we celebrated the grand opening of our school. This January marks our 6th year of serving children and families in the Port St. Lucie area. We treasure the many relationships we have formed over the years and want to thank you once again for choosing Chesterbrook Academy for your child’s early education. Thanks to you, the majority of our new families have come to us after hearing from you about your experience at our school. YOU ROCK!
Teachers are currently preparing individual assessments of their students’ progress since the beginning of the school year. On or before Friday, January 29th, you will be asked to sign a receipt page and be given your child’s progress report for review. Please know, you are more than welcome to schedule a parent/teacher conference to discuss your child’s progress further. Speak directly to your child’s teacher if you would like to schedule a time to meet.
Now that the holidays are behind us, teachers will place strict focus on preparing their students for what lies ahead. Utilizing student observation records and assessments as a guide, teachers will hone in on each of their students individual needs and provide varied learning experiences, which will strengthen and challenge cognitive, social and emotional growth. Our goal is to ensure each child is confident in his or her ability and prepared with the necessary tools for a successful start in the next level of education.
We look forward to many more years of learning fun at Chesterbrook Academy!

Melinda Willey, Principal
Nicole Pezzullo, Assistant Principal
In observance of the New Year Holiday
Chesterbrook Academy will be
Friday, January 1st

A Holiday Visit From Cock-A-Doodle-Doo Petting Zoo

January 4th – Camp Day
January 18th – Camp Day
Calendars and sign-up forms are located at the front desk.
January 4th – No VPK – attendance not required
January 18th -No VPK – attendance not required
$25 fee for attending
Sign-up forms are located at the front desk
We need your help! Now that we are embarking on the second half of the school year, it is imperative that we revisit VPK policies.
- VPK student attendance is mandatory. Excused absences will require a doctor’s note. Children who are not attending on a regular basis may be subject to dis-enrollment. We currently have several families who would like to transfer to our school if a space becomes available.
- Classes are required to begin at 9:00am & 1:15pm SHARP! VPK instruction is only 3 hours a day and teachers need to start their daily routines on time. Please be sure to have your child ready to join the class a few minutes before the day starts. Drop-off is not the time to chat with your child’s teacher. Please schedule a specific time to meet if you would like to discuss your child’s progress or any concerns you may have.
- VPK dismissal is at 12:00pm & 4:15pm SHARP! Please be sure to pick up your child within 5 minutes of dismissal time. Instruction must resume for full time students and teachers need to follow their daily schedule directly following VPK. Chronic late pick-ups are subject to late fees and or dis-enrollment
Thank you for your support!

January 15th – 29th
Look for our display in the front lobby!

Celebrate Diversity!
Martin Luther King Day
January 18, 2016
Wednesday, January 20th

Send your child to school in his/her favorite PJ’s
The purpose of our sick policy is to reduce the spread of illness among our students and to encourage full recuperation of sick children before they return to school. We depend on parents to assist us in maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all of our children.
Sick Policy:
Children may be sent home if they have any concerning symptoms. In addition, a child must be free of all of these symptoms for at least 24 hours before he/she can return to school. These symptoms include:
- A Fever of 100 degrees or more
- Vomiting within the previous 24-hour period
- Diarrhea within the previous 24-hour period
- Symptoms of a communicable disease
- Fussy, cranky behavior and generally not himself/ herself
Following an illness, a child may return to school once he/she has either been seen by a doctor or it has been determined that illness is not contagious. (A doctor’s clearance may be requested.) Please help us keep all of our children healthy by following these rules. If you have any questions or concerns please let us know. Thank you for your support!

We have seen a recent increase in families missing tuition payment deadlines. We really must collect tuition in a timely manner to meet our financial obligations. Please remember that tuition is due the 1st business day of every month. Accounts not paid in full by 12:00pm the second business day of every month are subject to late fees. If tuition is not paid in full by the 7th business day of each month your child may not attend until the balance is paid in full. Failure to comply with tuition policies will result in a notice of dis-enrollment. If you’d like to sign up for our ACH program, which automatically pulls your monthly tuition from the account of your choice the 1st business day of every month, just let us know and we will get you signed up.
If your child is signed up to attend a specific enrichment program, the monthly fee must be paid in full the first week of every month or your child may not attend the second week. Please understand, we are obligated to pay our physical fitness vendors in a timely manner for their services. Credits will not be issued for missed classes due to absence or non-payment.

FEBRUARY 12, 2015
Valentine’s Day Ice Cream Social – 10:00am

Sign-up sheets will be posted on each classroom door on 2/1
FEBRUARY 15, 2016
Professional Development Day

FEBRUARY 16, 2016
Join Chesterbrook Academy at…

1769 SW St. Lucie Blvd.
St. Lucie West, Florida 34986
Eat at Moe’s anytime between 5:00pm – CLOSE
10% of all proceeds will be donated to our school!
Thank you for your support!

Check out our camp page under programs for a peek at this year’s summer camp FUN!
The Value of Visual Art Activities for Your Preschooler

Visual art experiences help children develop skills such as critical thinking, self-expression, problem-solving, communication and collaboration. Our teachers focus on process-based art education, in which the experience of creating art is valued over the end product.In our classrooms, teachers integrate art into many aspects of our Links to Learning curriculum. After reading a book about polar bears, teachers might ask students to create their own polar bears using sponges, paint, markers and paper. They encourage students to talk about their art, providing a great opportunity to learn new vocabulary, particularly words related to colors, shapes,textures, and emotions.
Our students are also exposed to and inspired by famous artwork. In order to cultivate that fascination, we discuss famous artists and art works and ask students to create replicas of well-known paintings and sculptures. For example, after learning about Michelangelo’s painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, teachers mimic the activity in the classroom. They tape paper underneath tables, and students practice painting a masterpiece while lying down.
Below are visual art activities you and your child can do at home, as well as recommended reading.
At Home:
Provide your child with finger paint, a large piece of paper and a smock. Let him create a masterpiece. Talk about how the paint feels and what colors and shapes he creates on the paper.
Start a journal with your child. Have him draw a picture of something that happened during the day. Avoid giving direction. Instead of saying “Draw a picture of your teacher and classmates,” encourage him to experiment using different colored markers or crayons. If age appropriate, ask your child to write a few words to describe the picture.
Give your child a piece of paper and a box of crayons or markers. Show him how to use the materials to make dots, lines and swirls on the paper. Let him take over and have fun. Encourage conversation about your child’s art by saying, “Tell me about what you made” or “I see you used a lot of blue in your picture. Why did you choose that color?”
Ask your child to decorate a sign for his bedroom door using various art materials. Have him write his name on the sign.
Recommended Reading:The Dot by Peter Reynolds
Beautiful Oops by Barney Saltzberg
Art by Patrick McDonnell
Not a Box by Antoinette Portis
Mix It Up by Herve Tullet
It is wonderful to share the joy that children naturally take in using art materials. Giving children extra opportunities to connect art to the world around them, contributes to happiness and future success in elementary school and beyond.– Lauren Starnes, PhD – Director of Early Childhood Education
Dear Parents,
WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL! We hope you had a wonderful holiday season! On behalf of the entire Chesterbrook Academy staff, Ms. Pezzullo and I would like to extend a special thank you to our families for your heartfelt holiday wishes and lovely gifts! Your thoughtfulness and generosity is much appreciated.
Our school-wide “Holiday Workshop” theme came to life in each classroom. Dramatic play centers and activities captured the spirit of the season. We are grateful for creative teachers, supportive parents and eager students, ready to learn about the world around them.
January always reminds us of when we celebrated the grand opening of our school. This January marks our 6th year of serving children and families in the Port St. Lucie area. We treasure the many relationships we have formed over the years and want to thank you once again for choosing Chesterbrook Academy for your child’s early education. Thanks to you, the majority of our new families have come to us after hearing from you about your experience at our school. YOU ROCK!
Teachers are currently preparing individual assessments of their students’ progress since the beginning of the school year. On or before Friday, January 29th, you will be asked to sign a receipt page and be given your child’s progress report for review. Please know, you are more than welcome to schedule a parent/teacher conference to discuss your child’s progress further. Speak directly to your child’s teacher if you would like to schedule a time to meet.
Now that the holidays are behind us, teachers will place strict focus on preparing their students for what lies ahead. Utilizing student observation records and assessments as a guide, teachers will hone in on each of their students individual needs and provide varied learning experiences, which will strengthen and challenge cognitive, social and emotional growth. Our goal is to ensure each child is confident in his or her ability and prepared with the necessary tools for a successful start in the next level of education.
We look forward to many more years of learning fun at Chesterbrook Academy!
Melinda Willey, Principal
Nicole Pezzullo, Assistant Principal
Friday, January 1st
A Holiday Visit From Cock-A-Doodle-Doo Petting Zoo
January 4th – Camp Day
January 18th – Camp Day
Sign-up forms are located at the front desk
Thank you for your support!
January 15th – 29th
Look for our display in the front lobby!
Celebrate Diversity!
January 18, 2016
Wednesday, January 20th
Send your child to school in his/her favorite PJ’s
Following an illness, a child may return to school once he/she has either been seen by a doctor or it has been determined that illness is not contagious. (A doctor’s clearance may be requested.) Please help us keep all of our children healthy by following these rules. If you have any questions or concerns please let us know. Thank you for your support!
We have seen a recent increase in families missing tuition payment deadlines. We really must collect tuition in a timely manner to meet our financial obligations. Please remember that tuition is due the 1st business day of every month. Accounts not paid in full by 12:00pm the second business day of every month are subject to late fees. If tuition is not paid in full by the 7th business day of each month your child may not attend until the balance is paid in full. Failure to comply with tuition policies will result in a notice of dis-enrollment. If you’d like to sign up for our ACH program, which automatically pulls your monthly tuition from the account of your choice the 1st business day of every month, just let us know and we will get you signed up.
If your child is signed up to attend a specific enrichment program, the monthly fee must be paid in full the first week of every month or your child may not attend the second week. Please understand, we are obligated to pay our physical fitness vendors in a timely manner for their services. Credits will not be issued for missed classes due to absence or non-payment.
FEBRUARY 12, 2015
Valentine’s Day Ice Cream Social – 10:00am
Sign-up sheets will be posted on each classroom door on 2/1
FEBRUARY 15, 2016
Professional Development Day
FEBRUARY 16, 2016
Join Chesterbrook Academy at…
1769 SW St. Lucie Blvd.
St. Lucie West, Florida 34986
Eat at Moe’s anytime between 5:00pm – CLOSE
10% of all proceeds will be donated to our school!
Thank you for your support!
Check out our camp page under programs for a peek at this year’s summer camp FUN!
Visual art experiences help children develop skills such as critical thinking, self-expression, problem-solving, communication and collaboration. Our teachers focus on process-based art education, in which the experience of creating art is valued over the end product.In our classrooms, teachers integrate art into many aspects of our Links to Learning curriculum. After reading a book about polar bears, teachers might ask students to create their own polar bears using sponges, paint, markers and paper. They encourage students to talk about their art, providing a great opportunity to learn new vocabulary, particularly words related to colors, shapes,textures, and emotions.
Our students are also exposed to and inspired by famous artwork. In order to cultivate that fascination, we discuss famous artists and art works and ask students to create replicas of well-known paintings and sculptures. For example, after learning about Michelangelo’s painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, teachers mimic the activity in the classroom. They tape paper underneath tables, and students practice painting a masterpiece while lying down.
Below are visual art activities you and your child can do at home, as well as recommended reading.
At Home:
Provide your child with finger paint, a large piece of paper and a smock. Let him create a masterpiece. Talk about how the paint feels and what colors and shapes he creates on the paper.
Start a journal with your child. Have him draw a picture of something that happened during the day. Avoid giving direction. Instead of saying “Draw a picture of your teacher and classmates,” encourage him to experiment using different colored markers or crayons. If age appropriate, ask your child to write a few words to describe the picture.
Give your child a piece of paper and a box of crayons or markers. Show him how to use the materials to make dots, lines and swirls on the paper. Let him take over and have fun. Encourage conversation about your child’s art by saying, “Tell me about what you made” or “I see you used a lot of blue in your picture. Why did you choose that color?”
Ask your child to decorate a sign for his bedroom door using various art materials. Have him write his name on the sign.
Beautiful Oops by Barney Saltzberg
Art by Patrick McDonnell
Not a Box by Antoinette Portis
Mix It Up by Herve Tullet
It is wonderful to share the joy that children naturally take in using art materials. Giving children extra opportunities to connect art to the world around them, contributes to happiness and future success in elementary school and beyond.– Lauren Starnes, PhD – Director of Early Childhood Education