Let’s take a minute to welcome all the students who started with our school in January: Sofia L., Grayson L., Gabriella W., Roxy M., & Lorelai F.
CBA Anniversaries:
Ms. Marie, Ms. Donna, & Ms. Brenda are each celebrating one year with CBA. Ms. Darrion is on her fifth year, while Ms. Nooria tops them all with her 11th year celebration!
Benefits to Uniforms-
Students attending Chesterbrook Academy Intermediate and Pre-Kindergarten Programs are required to wear a uniform on a daily basis. In order to ensure that each student is dressed for success we have developed a school dress code as follows:
- Navy or khaki shorts/pants
- Optional: skirt or jumper for girls
- Navy blue or white Polo shirt
- Closed Toe Shoes
Why do we do this?
Research done by many colleges and research companies has determined that uniforms help a student body develop a feeling of community, belonging and school ownership. School uniforms can positively impact students’ performance, as well a attendance and behavior.
In our school we also know that the hands on learning experience can be messy at times! We like for parents to be comfortable knowing it is the child’s school clothing.
Classroom in the Spotlight: Pre-k Letter Buddies Phonics Program
Our Letter Buddies Program is a supplementary literacy program and it touches on the multiple early literacy domains such as Oral Language Skills, Alphabet Knowledge, Phonemic Awareness, Direct Phonics Instruction, Guided Reading, Receptive/Expressive Language Experiences and Print Awareness. In a nut shell this is one of the tools used at CBA to teach your child to read and write!
Oral Language Skills– This is where we build on each child’s spoken language vocabulary.
Alphabet Knowledge– Teachers conduct lessons that address each child’s knowledge about alphabetical order and letter identification.
Phonemic Awareness– This is how children hear sounds in spoken words. They work on hearing initial and ending sounds, hearing and forming blends, recognizing syllables and more in the classroom lessons.
Direct Phonics Instruction– Children work on building knowledge about the sounds made by a given alphabetic letter or letters, as in a blend.
Guided Reading– This is time set aside where teachers assist in reading with purpose, understanding the written words, and the gist of what is read.
Receptive/Expressive Language Experiences– Teachers will ask questions and creating activities and opportunities for students to build understanding of what is heard and how to respond giving the appropriate materials needed. For example, if I tell you a story and ask you a question about it, can you answer me correctly (i.e. do you know the answer based upon what you just heard), also do you have the words to tell me (i.e. do you know the words needed to give me an answer)
Print Awareness– this is a child’s knowledge about written text, such as reading from left to right, top to bottom, understanding that words have spaces between them, etc.
Students are hard at work each day, in our literacy rich environment, focusing not only on reading, as highlighted above, but also working on math skills, social skills, creativity, science concepts, and digital components.
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Newsletter February 2016
Let’s take a minute to welcome all the students who started with our school in January: Sofia L., Grayson L., Gabriella W., Roxy M., & Lorelai F.
CBA Anniversaries:
Ms. Marie, Ms. Donna, & Ms. Brenda are each celebrating one year with CBA. Ms. Darrion is on her fifth year, while Ms. Nooria tops them all with her 11th year celebration!
Benefits to Uniforms-
Students attending Chesterbrook Academy Intermediate and Pre-Kindergarten Programs are required to wear a uniform on a daily basis. In order to ensure that each student is dressed for success we have developed a school dress code as follows:
Why do we do this?
Research done by many colleges and research companies has determined that uniforms help a student body develop a feeling of community, belonging and school ownership. School uniforms can positively impact students’ performance, as well a attendance and behavior.
In our school we also know that the hands on learning experience can be messy at times! We like for parents to be comfortable knowing it is the child’s school clothing.
Classroom in the Spotlight: Pre-k Letter Buddies Phonics Program
Our Letter Buddies Program is a supplementary literacy program and it touches on the multiple early literacy domains such as Oral Language Skills, Alphabet Knowledge, Phonemic Awareness, Direct Phonics Instruction, Guided Reading, Receptive/Expressive Language Experiences and Print Awareness. In a nut shell this is one of the tools used at CBA to teach your child to read and write!
Oral Language Skills– This is where we build on each child’s spoken language vocabulary.
Alphabet Knowledge– Teachers conduct lessons that address each child’s knowledge about alphabetical order and letter identification.
Phonemic Awareness– This is how children hear sounds in spoken words. They work on hearing initial and ending sounds, hearing and forming blends, recognizing syllables and more in the classroom lessons.
Direct Phonics Instruction– Children work on building knowledge about the sounds made by a given alphabetic letter or letters, as in a blend.
Guided Reading– This is time set aside where teachers assist in reading with purpose, understanding the written words, and the gist of what is read.
Receptive/Expressive Language Experiences– Teachers will ask questions and creating activities and opportunities for students to build understanding of what is heard and how to respond giving the appropriate materials needed. For example, if I tell you a story and ask you a question about it, can you answer me correctly (i.e. do you know the answer based upon what you just heard), also do you have the words to tell me (i.e. do you know the words needed to give me an answer)
Print Awareness– this is a child’s knowledge about written text, such as reading from left to right, top to bottom, understanding that words have spaces between them, etc.
Students are hard at work each day, in our literacy rich environment, focusing not only on reading, as highlighted above, but also working on math skills, social skills, creativity, science concepts, and digital components.