From the Principal’s Office

Dear Parents,
It’s hard to believe that another month has come and gone and we are now starting May! The children are getting excited about the warmer weather and the fact that school is almost over. We have been spending more time outdoors and focusing on the nice weather and exploring the environment around us! It sure is nice to have the large outdoor space available for the children to run and play! Keep in mind the change of season, and add the appropriate clothing to your child’s cubby as an extra set of clothes.
For May, we have another month full of activities and experiences for the children! Please make note of the special events coming up. The end of the Kindergarten and preschool years is special, whether it means coming to the end-of-year celebration or attending graduation. We will be busy making precious gifts for our mother’s and trying to get everything planned for summer camp- look for the summer camp packet in the next few days!
We thank you for entrusting your child to us this year. We have enjoyed working with all of the children in our care and have seen growth, development and skill acquisition in all of the children. We have also witnessed how the children have grown in the way they deal with frustration and the care and concern they express for one another.
We thank you for your support throughout the year. We feel a close partnership with our parents and send you our best wishes.
Melissa Loper
Acting Principal

- Physical Fitness Month
- 4 – Mother’s Day Tea @ 9:30am – Rooms 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
- 5 – Mother’s Day Tea @ 9:30am – Rooms 9, 10, 11.
- 5 – Happy Cinco De Mayo!
- 6 – Mother’s Day Tea @ 9:30am – Rooms 6, 7, 8, 12.
- 11 – Chick-Fil-A Night @ Chesterbrook (4:00pm – 6:00pm)
- 13 – School Wide Field Day! Details to come.
- 16-20 – Teacher Appreciation Week.
- 20 – Teacher Appreciation Luncheon.
- 20 – Summer Camp Packets Due.
- 25 – Kindergarten Graduation @ 10am.
- 27 – Links to Learning Folders Go Home.
- 30 – School Closed – Memorial Day.
Field Trips

Thursday, May 12th
CoCo Yoga
– Room 10
– Cost is $8.00
– Leaving at: 8:45am
– Wear navy Chesterbrook logo t-shirt
Tuesday, May 17th
Riverbanks Zoo
– Room 9
– Cost is $1.00
– Provide a peanut-free bag lunch
– Leaving at: 8:30am
– Wear navy Chesterbrook logo t-shirt
Wednesday, May 18th
Riverbanks Zoo
– Room 8
– Cost is $1.00
– Provide a peanut-free bag lunch
– Leaving at: 8:30am
– Wear navy Chesterbrook logo t-shirt
Thursday, May 19th
Riverbanks Zoo
– Room 11
– Cost is $1.00
– Provide a peanut-free bag lunch
– Leaving at: 8:30am
– Wear navy Chesterbrook logo t-shirt
Friday, May 20th
Riverbanks Zoo
– Room 6
– Cost is $1.00
– Provide a peanut-free bag lunch
– Leaving at: 8:30am
– Wear navy Chesterbrook logo t-shirt
Thursday, May 26th
Royal Z Lanes
– Room 7
– Cost is $6.00
– Bring socks
– Leaving at: 8:30am
– Wear navy Chesterbrook logo t-shirt
Friday, May 27th
Riverbanks Zoo
– Room 12
– Cost is $1.00
– Provide a peanut-free bag lunch
– Leaving at: 8:30am
– Wear navy Chesterbrook logo t-shirt
*Field Trips are subject to change due to situations that may arise.

Walk Your Way to a Healthier Life…
You can get active in lots of ways, but walking is one of the easiest steps you can take to improve your health. It’s also one of the safest, least expensive and most sustainable forms of exercise. For such a simple activity, it has so many benefits!
Research has shown that walking at least 30 minutes a day can help you:
Reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes.
Improve your blood pressure, blood sugar and blood cholesterol levels.
Prevent weight gain and lower the risk of obesity.
Improve your mental well-being.
Increase your energy and stamina.
Reduce your risk of osteoporosis, breast cancer and colon cancer.
For every hour of brisk walking, life expectancy for some people may increase by two hours. The American Heart Association recommends adults get at least 150 minutes of physical activity each week.
It’s not all or nothing; it’s step by step.
Maybe you haven’t been active for a while. No problem. Just get started, even if it’s only a few minutes a day at first.
Set a reachable goal just for today. Then you can work toward your overall goal of 30 minutes a day as you get in better shape. Gradually increase your time or distance each week.
If it’s easier on your body and your schedule, you can split up your walks into 10 or 15 minutes each. Every step counts!
Even if you’re already active, here are some ways you can add more steps into your day:
Take the dog out for a walk.
Take the kids to the park or playground.
Park farther from the entrance to your workplace, school, grocery store, restaurants, etc.
Take the stairs instead of the elevator, even if just for one or two floors.
Window shop at the mall or downtown.
Walk to a nearby restaurant for lunch instead of driving.
Catch up with a friend by walking around the block while you chat on the phone.
All you have to do is lace up with a comfortable pair of shoes and walk. It’s that easy!
LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!! We invite you to “like” our page at where we’ll be providing our fans with regular educational tips for children from preschool to 8th grade and the opportunity to network with fellow parents. We would love to have your participation in this forum and encourage you to continue to check our school website for local updates specific to our own school. We look forward to having you as part of our Facebook community!
Chesterbrook Academy & Queensboro Apparel Company: If you are interested in ordering Chesterbrook Logo apparel for your child(ren), please view our online store. You may notice all the wonderful colors available, but please keep in mind that Chesterbrook Academy uniform colors are Navy, White and Forest/Dark Green.
Chesterbrook Academy & Mabel’s Labels: As a way to target the problem of lost belongings and a large lost and found closet, Chesterbrook Academy is fundraising with Mabel’s Labels, a company with all types of labels that are colorful, indestructible, easy-to-use and fun! Iron-Ons, Stickies, Bag Tags, Allergy Alert labels & more! Personalize your labels with names, nicknames, initials – whatever you choose. Cool icons help even little ones identify their own belongings. Dishwasher, microwave, laundry & kid tested! Dispatched within 24 hours!
Visit to place your order.
For Parents
Tuition: Parents, please understand the importance of paying your tuition & paying it on time! Payments are due every Friday for the coming week. Late fees will be applied at 12 noon on Monday following the due date. Unpaid tuition, more than a week past due, will result in immediate dis-enrollment. If you have any questions, please see Helen, Melissa or Andrea in the front office. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Automatic Payment Program: Parents this is a very easy way for you to not worry about writing those checks every week and avoiding late fees. APP can be used to pay tuition only invoices or all invoices (tuition, registration & activity fees). Please see Helen, Melissa or Andrea in the front office for details and information on getting signed up or you can print the form from the link on the school website. In addition, you can also set up online bill-pay through your bank.
Contact Information: Please be sure that all home, work, cell and pager numbers and any other contact information is up to date in your child’s file. This helps the staff at Chesterbrook have every available option to contact the parent(s) in the event of an emergency.
E-Mail Addresses: Please update your email addresses with the front office in order to receive important information about upcoming and/or emergency events from the school. We can send email notifications to more than one email address.
Parent Ambassador Program: Spread the word about our school and save on your child’s tuition! Refer a new family to our school and you could earn a free week of tuition. For more information on our Ambassador Program, see your school’s principal. The current referring Chesterbrook family will receive a discount after the referred child has attended full time for 3 months. Discount applies to the tuition of the oldest child in the referring family.
For Parents & Teachers
NUT FREE SCHOOL: We have several children enrolled at Chesterbrook Academy with severe nut allergies. Please do not send your child to school with food containing any type of nut products.
Prescription Policy for Chronic or Allergic Conditions:
Medication may be brought in for chronic or life threatening medical conditions. All medications must be in their original container with the prescription label attached to include the proper administering time(s) and dosage to be given. For the use of a nebulizer, a letter or note will be required from your child’s doctor’s office stating time(s) to be administered and the tubule dosage to be given. In addition, an “Authorization to Administer Medication Form” must be completed and turned in by the parent. Please see Helen, Melissa or Andrea in the front office if you have any questions or concerns.
Sign In & Out Books: We wanted to take this time to remind you all about an important security here at Chesterbrook. Please remember to sign your child in and out every day on the class Sign In/Out sheets located outside or inside of your child’s classroom everyday. If someone on your child’s authorized pick-up list is picking up, please remind him or her to do so as well. Although we have never had any problem nor do we expect to in the future, this is an important security measure that keeps all of the children safe. Thank you for your continued compliance with our security policies.
Uniform Policy: All children from 3 year old Preschool and up are required to wear uniforms daily at Chesterbrook Academy. The official uniform is navy blue (NOT jean) or khaki bottoms and white, navy blue or hunter green solid tops. Girls may also wear navy blue or khaki jumpers, skirts, skorts, or the plaid jumper offered by the uniform company, Flynn & O’Hara. Shoes should be white, black, brown, or navy blue and preferably athletic type.
Illness Policy
A parent of a child that is determined to be ill shall be notified immediately. The child must be picked up within an hour of notification. No child shall be allowed to remain at school with the following conditions:
- Elevated Temperature (100 degrees or higher)
- Vomiting and/or Diarrhea
- Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)
- Head Lice
- Other Communicable Diseases (ie. chicken pox, strep throat, etc.)
Student Pick-Up: Parents, please be sure to inform the teachers and/or front office if another family member or friend will pick up your child. This applies to names that are on your list as well as names that are not. If it will be the first time the family member or friend picks up your child, please remind them to bring in their drivers license when they come in. This is very important to insure the safety of your child(ren).
School Spotlight

Mother’s Day Teas @ 9:30am
Wednesday, May 4: Rooms 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
Thursday, May 5: Rooms 9, 10, and 11
Friday, May 6: Rooms 6, 7, 8, and 12

When: Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Where: Chesterbrook Academy
Cost: $7.00 per bagged meal
Pick Up Times: 4:30, 5:15, or 6:00
* Includes a Chick-Fil-A Sandwich, Chips, Cookie & bottle of water.

When: Friday, May 13
Where: Chesterbrook Back Hill
*Please dress your child comfortably and in athletic type shoes.
May 16th – 20th
Monday: “Timeout for Treats”
Tuesday: “Breakfast of Champions”
Wednesday: “Pep Rally Potato Bar”
Thursday: “Concession Stand Snacks”
Friday: “Tailgate Party”

May Birthdays
15 – Emma Keisler
19 – Eli Clark
20 – Aiden Kacha
23 – Wren Matawaran
24 – Ayden Ramirez
25 – Logan Heath
26 – Samuel Skipper
28 – Mason Lindley
30 – Kaidyn Bradley
9 – Melissa Loper
21 – Katie Johnson
24 – Wendy Holmes
27 – Ramona Shimmel
29 – DawnMarie Carlson
From the Education Department
Building Your Child’s Sense of Family Belonging
Relationships with family members play an important role as children begin to develop a sense of self. When they feel a sense of identity and belonging within their own families, children are better able to grow emotionally, make friends, and appreciate and accept the diversity of others.
With Mother’s Day right around the corner, it’s a great time to share activities that celebrate the importance of family.
Below are age appropriate activities that we implement in the classroom, as well as activities you can do with your child at home.
In the classroom: Teachers use baby sign language to help children identify and eventually verbalize names for their family members. When parents enter the classroom, teachers say, “Look! Here’s Sophia’s mommy,” while also signing “mommy.” They work with parents to learn specific names used at home, and then use those names in the classroom.
At home: Use baby sign language as you come across names of family members in books and songs. To sign “mommy,” tap your thumb on your chin repeatedly. To sign “daddy,” tap your thumb on your forehead repeatedly. Remember to say the word aloud as you sign.
Recommended reading: Spot Loves His Mommy by Eric Hill, Are You my Mother? by PD Eastman
BEGINNERS (ages 2-3):
In the classroom: By age two, children begin to learn the names of extended family members, such as grandmother, uncle and cousin. They practice using these words as they talk about their families. After sorting stuffed animals by type, teachers might say, “This is the horse’s family. He has a big family. Who’s in your family?”
At home: Give your child play dough and encourage him to create the members of his family. Afterward, ask him to count and name them. This activity helps him conceptualize that multiple people make up his entire family and gives you insight into what family means to your child at his particular point in development.
Recommended reading: On Mother’s Lap by Ann Herbert Scott, Oonga Boonga by Frieda Wishinsky
In the classroom: As children read stories about diverse families, teachers encourage them to share unique details about their own families. For example, teachers might ask, “Who has a sister?” or “Who has a pet?” Afterward, students create charts with the information.
At home: Have each member of your family make a thumbprint using finger paint on a piece of paper side by side. Then, ask your child to compare the various sizes, and guess which thumbprint belongs to each person. As they talk about their family members, they begin to appreciate what makes their family unique.
Recommended reading: Clifford’s Family by Norman Bridwell, What Mommies Do Best and What Daddies Do Best by Laura Numeroff
PRE-K/PRE-K 2 (ages 4-5):
In the classroom: Our older preschoolers begin to understand that their parents have more than one role. Family members are invited to visit and talk to the class about their roles inside and outside of the home. Students are encouraged to write and draw their family members in the different roles they serve. For example, “Mommy is a doctor.”
At home: Go on an uninterrupted family outing with your child. Try to avoid checking work emails or answering unimportant phone calls. Afterward, ask your child to write about his favorite parts of the day in his journal.
Recommended reading: Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother Too? by Eric Carle, The Napping House by Audrey Wood
All of our schools will be celebrating families in really fun ways this Mother’s Day season, and we hope that you do too!
– Lauren Starnes, PhD – Director of Early Childhood Education
May News
From the Principal’s Office
Dear Parents,
It’s hard to believe that another month has come and gone and we are now starting May! The children are getting excited about the warmer weather and the fact that school is almost over. We have been spending more time outdoors and focusing on the nice weather and exploring the environment around us! It sure is nice to have the large outdoor space available for the children to run and play! Keep in mind the change of season, and add the appropriate clothing to your child’s cubby as an extra set of clothes.
For May, we have another month full of activities and experiences for the children! Please make note of the special events coming up. The end of the Kindergarten and preschool years is special, whether it means coming to the end-of-year celebration or attending graduation. We will be busy making precious gifts for our mother’s and trying to get everything planned for summer camp- look for the summer camp packet in the next few days!
We thank you for entrusting your child to us this year. We have enjoyed working with all of the children in our care and have seen growth, development and skill acquisition in all of the children. We have also witnessed how the children have grown in the way they deal with frustration and the care and concern they express for one another.
We thank you for your support throughout the year. We feel a close partnership with our parents and send you our best wishes.
Melissa Loper
Acting Principal
Field Trips
Thursday, May 12th
CoCo Yoga
– Room 10
– Cost is $8.00
– Leaving at: 8:45am
– Wear navy Chesterbrook logo t-shirt
Tuesday, May 17th
Riverbanks Zoo
– Room 9
– Cost is $1.00
– Provide a peanut-free bag lunch
– Leaving at: 8:30am
– Wear navy Chesterbrook logo t-shirt
Wednesday, May 18th
Riverbanks Zoo
– Room 8
– Cost is $1.00
– Provide a peanut-free bag lunch
– Leaving at: 8:30am
– Wear navy Chesterbrook logo t-shirt
Thursday, May 19th
Riverbanks Zoo
– Room 11
– Cost is $1.00
– Provide a peanut-free bag lunch
– Leaving at: 8:30am
– Wear navy Chesterbrook logo t-shirt
Friday, May 20th
Riverbanks Zoo
– Room 6
– Cost is $1.00
– Provide a peanut-free bag lunch
– Leaving at: 8:30am
– Wear navy Chesterbrook logo t-shirt
Thursday, May 26th
Royal Z Lanes
– Room 7
– Cost is $6.00
– Bring socks
– Leaving at: 8:30am
– Wear navy Chesterbrook logo t-shirt
Friday, May 27th
Riverbanks Zoo
– Room 12
– Cost is $1.00
– Provide a peanut-free bag lunch
– Leaving at: 8:30am
– Wear navy Chesterbrook logo t-shirt
*Field Trips are subject to change due to situations that may arise.
Walk Your Way to a Healthier Life…
You can get active in lots of ways, but walking is one of the easiest steps you can take to improve your health. It’s also one of the safest, least expensive and most sustainable forms of exercise. For such a simple activity, it has so many benefits!
Research has shown that walking at least 30 minutes a day can help you:
Reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes.
Improve your blood pressure, blood sugar and blood cholesterol levels.
Prevent weight gain and lower the risk of obesity.
Improve your mental well-being.
Increase your energy and stamina.
Reduce your risk of osteoporosis, breast cancer and colon cancer.
For every hour of brisk walking, life expectancy for some people may increase by two hours. The American Heart Association recommends adults get at least 150 minutes of physical activity each week.
It’s not all or nothing; it’s step by step.
Maybe you haven’t been active for a while. No problem. Just get started, even if it’s only a few minutes a day at first.
Set a reachable goal just for today. Then you can work toward your overall goal of 30 minutes a day as you get in better shape. Gradually increase your time or distance each week.
If it’s easier on your body and your schedule, you can split up your walks into 10 or 15 minutes each. Every step counts!
Even if you’re already active, here are some ways you can add more steps into your day:
Take the dog out for a walk.
Take the kids to the park or playground.
Park farther from the entrance to your workplace, school, grocery store, restaurants, etc.
Take the stairs instead of the elevator, even if just for one or two floors.
Window shop at the mall or downtown.
Walk to a nearby restaurant for lunch instead of driving.
Catch up with a friend by walking around the block while you chat on the phone.
All you have to do is lace up with a comfortable pair of shoes and walk. It’s that easy!
Visit to place your order.
For Parents
Tuition: Parents, please understand the importance of paying your tuition & paying it on time! Payments are due every Friday for the coming week. Late fees will be applied at 12 noon on Monday following the due date. Unpaid tuition, more than a week past due, will result in immediate dis-enrollment. If you have any questions, please see Helen, Melissa or Andrea in the front office. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Automatic Payment Program: Parents this is a very easy way for you to not worry about writing those checks every week and avoiding late fees. APP can be used to pay tuition only invoices or all invoices (tuition, registration & activity fees). Please see Helen, Melissa or Andrea in the front office for details and information on getting signed up or you can print the form from the link on the school website. In addition, you can also set up online bill-pay through your bank.
Contact Information: Please be sure that all home, work, cell and pager numbers and any other contact information is up to date in your child’s file. This helps the staff at Chesterbrook have every available option to contact the parent(s) in the event of an emergency.
E-Mail Addresses: Please update your email addresses with the front office in order to receive important information about upcoming and/or emergency events from the school. We can send email notifications to more than one email address.
Parent Ambassador Program: Spread the word about our school and save on your child’s tuition! Refer a new family to our school and you could earn a free week of tuition. For more information on our Ambassador Program, see your school’s principal. The current referring Chesterbrook family will receive a discount after the referred child has attended full time for 3 months. Discount applies to the tuition of the oldest child in the referring family.
For Parents & Teachers
NUT FREE SCHOOL: We have several children enrolled at Chesterbrook Academy with severe nut allergies. Please do not send your child to school with food containing any type of nut products.
Prescription Policy for Chronic or Allergic Conditions:
Medication may be brought in for chronic or life threatening medical conditions. All medications must be in their original container with the prescription label attached to include the proper administering time(s) and dosage to be given. For the use of a nebulizer, a letter or note will be required from your child’s doctor’s office stating time(s) to be administered and the tubule dosage to be given. In addition, an “Authorization to Administer Medication Form” must be completed and turned in by the parent. Please see Helen, Melissa or Andrea in the front office if you have any questions or concerns.
Sign In & Out Books: We wanted to take this time to remind you all about an important security here at Chesterbrook. Please remember to sign your child in and out every day on the class Sign In/Out sheets located outside or inside of your child’s classroom everyday. If someone on your child’s authorized pick-up list is picking up, please remind him or her to do so as well. Although we have never had any problem nor do we expect to in the future, this is an important security measure that keeps all of the children safe. Thank you for your continued compliance with our security policies.
Uniform Policy: All children from 3 year old Preschool and up are required to wear uniforms daily at Chesterbrook Academy. The official uniform is navy blue (NOT jean) or khaki bottoms and white, navy blue or hunter green solid tops. Girls may also wear navy blue or khaki jumpers, skirts, skorts, or the plaid jumper offered by the uniform company, Flynn & O’Hara. Shoes should be white, black, brown, or navy blue and preferably athletic type.
Illness Policy
A parent of a child that is determined to be ill shall be notified immediately. The child must be picked up within an hour of notification. No child shall be allowed to remain at school with the following conditions:
Student Pick-Up: Parents, please be sure to inform the teachers and/or front office if another family member or friend will pick up your child. This applies to names that are on your list as well as names that are not. If it will be the first time the family member or friend picks up your child, please remind them to bring in their drivers license when they come in. This is very important to insure the safety of your child(ren).
School Spotlight
Mother’s Day Teas @ 9:30am
Wednesday, May 4: Rooms 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
Thursday, May 5: Rooms 9, 10, and 11
Friday, May 6: Rooms 6, 7, 8, and 12
When: Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Where: Chesterbrook Academy
Cost: $7.00 per bagged meal
Pick Up Times: 4:30, 5:15, or 6:00
* Includes a Chick-Fil-A Sandwich, Chips, Cookie & bottle of water.
When: Friday, May 13
Where: Chesterbrook Back Hill
*Please dress your child comfortably and in athletic type shoes.
Monday: “Timeout for Treats”
Tuesday: “Breakfast of Champions”
Wednesday: “Pep Rally Potato Bar”
Thursday: “Concession Stand Snacks”
Friday: “Tailgate Party”
May Birthdays
15 – Emma Keisler
19 – Eli Clark
20 – Aiden Kacha
23 – Wren Matawaran
24 – Ayden Ramirez
25 – Logan Heath
26 – Samuel Skipper
28 – Mason Lindley
30 – Kaidyn Bradley
9 – Melissa Loper
21 – Katie Johnson
24 – Wendy Holmes
27 – Ramona Shimmel
29 – DawnMarie Carlson
From the Education Department
Building Your Child’s Sense of Family Belonging
With Mother’s Day right around the corner, it’s a great time to share activities that celebrate the importance of family.
Below are age appropriate activities that we implement in the classroom, as well as activities you can do with your child at home.
In the classroom: Teachers use baby sign language to help children identify and eventually verbalize names for their family members. When parents enter the classroom, teachers say, “Look! Here’s Sophia’s mommy,” while also signing “mommy.” They work with parents to learn specific names used at home, and then use those names in the classroom.
At home: Use baby sign language as you come across names of family members in books and songs. To sign “mommy,” tap your thumb on your chin repeatedly. To sign “daddy,” tap your thumb on your forehead repeatedly. Remember to say the word aloud as you sign.
Recommended reading: Spot Loves His Mommy by Eric Hill, Are You my Mother? by PD Eastman
BEGINNERS (ages 2-3):
In the classroom: By age two, children begin to learn the names of extended family members, such as grandmother, uncle and cousin. They practice using these words as they talk about their families. After sorting stuffed animals by type, teachers might say, “This is the horse’s family. He has a big family. Who’s in your family?”
At home: Give your child play dough and encourage him to create the members of his family. Afterward, ask him to count and name them. This activity helps him conceptualize that multiple people make up his entire family and gives you insight into what family means to your child at his particular point in development.
Recommended reading: On Mother’s Lap by Ann Herbert Scott, Oonga Boonga by Frieda Wishinsky
In the classroom: As children read stories about diverse families, teachers encourage them to share unique details about their own families. For example, teachers might ask, “Who has a sister?” or “Who has a pet?” Afterward, students create charts with the information.
At home: Have each member of your family make a thumbprint using finger paint on a piece of paper side by side. Then, ask your child to compare the various sizes, and guess which thumbprint belongs to each person. As they talk about their family members, they begin to appreciate what makes their family unique.
Recommended reading: Clifford’s Family by Norman Bridwell, What Mommies Do Best and What Daddies Do Best by Laura Numeroff
PRE-K/PRE-K 2 (ages 4-5):
In the classroom: Our older preschoolers begin to understand that their parents have more than one role. Family members are invited to visit and talk to the class about their roles inside and outside of the home. Students are encouraged to write and draw their family members in the different roles they serve. For example, “Mommy is a doctor.”
At home: Go on an uninterrupted family outing with your child. Try to avoid checking work emails or answering unimportant phone calls. Afterward, ask your child to write about his favorite parts of the day in his journal.
Recommended reading: Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother Too? by Eric Carle, The Napping House by Audrey Wood
All of our schools will be celebrating families in really fun ways this Mother’s Day season, and we hope that you do too!
– Lauren Starnes, PhD – Director of Early Childhood Education