July Newsletter
As a Reminder for Splash Days-Please look at your scheduled splash day for your class. You will have the same scheduled day until the end of Summer Camp. We will begin our splash day right after circle time, which should be around 9:30am. Please bring your child to school ready in their swimwear, with one application of sunscreen already applied. They must have some type of cover up on while in the building and girls may NOT wear two piece bathing suits.
Please make sure your child has the following items on your scheduled day.
- Towel
- Water shoes (no crocs, they are a hazard when wet; actual water shoes or old tennis shoes work well)
- Complete outfit to change into (shoes, underwear, top and bottoms).
- Bathing suit already on
- One application of sunscreen prior to arriving.
Parent Reminders:
Summer camp- Camp calendars are out. Summer time shoes- Please make sure your child has closed toe shoes at school. Also, bring your child’s sunscreen lotion, and hats for outside.
Water bottle-Your child can bring a water bottle to school (with Water in it ONLY) for their outside play time. Please make sure the bottle has their first and last name on it.
Make sure your child is here at 9:00am for the start of school every day so that they don’t miss out on field trips, classroom enrichment, and nature walks.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, CBA is a NUT FREE zone!! What that means is we can’t have any products that have nuts in them, made with nut oil, may contain nut or nut residues, or packaged in a plant that processes peanut/ tree nuts. Please read the very last line of all of the ingredients. Please understand for some of our children this is a life and death situation! I thank you for your understanding.
**We do have a late pick up policy that is stated on your fee schedule. Our hours of operation are 630am-630pm, if your child is picked up after that time, you must pay the late pickup fee.
** Reminders: Chesterbrook Academy requires a two week notice on vacation requests and a four week notice for withdrawals. If your child is in the PK2 class please remember to turn in your withdrawal notice.
**A gentle reminder that payment is due the Friday before the following week! If payment is received after Monday, a late payment fee of $25 will be assessed. Thank you!
Thank you,
Adrienne and Dana
A Message From Our Education Department:
The Fourth of July and election season are upon us, and political communications are becoming more and more present in our lives. Your child probably has begun to notice campaign stickers, television commercials, and news coverage about the election. He might already be asking questions such as, “Who is the[.....]
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A Message From the Principal
July Newsletter
As a Reminder for Splash Days-Please look at your scheduled splash day for your class. You will have the same scheduled day until the end of Summer Camp. We will begin our splash day right after circle time, which should be around 9:30am. Please bring your child to school ready in their swimwear, with one application of sunscreen already applied. They must have some type of cover up on while in the building and girls may NOT wear two piece bathing suits.
Please make sure your child has the following items on your scheduled day.
Parent Reminders:
Summer camp- Camp calendars are out. Summer time shoes- Please make sure your child has closed toe shoes at school. Also, bring your child’s sunscreen lotion, and hats for outside.
Water bottle-Your child can bring a water bottle to school (with Water in it ONLY) for their outside play time. Please make sure the bottle has their first and last name on it.
Make sure your child is here at 9:00am for the start of school every day so that they don’t miss out on field trips, classroom enrichment, and nature walks.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, CBA is a NUT FREE zone!! What that means is we can’t have any products that have nuts in them, made with nut oil, may contain nut or nut residues, or packaged in a plant that processes peanut/ tree nuts. Please read the very last line of all of the ingredients. Please understand for some of our children this is a life and death situation! I thank you for your understanding.
**We do have a late pick up policy that is stated on your fee schedule. Our hours of operation are 630am-630pm, if your child is picked up after that time, you must pay the late pickup fee.
** Reminders: Chesterbrook Academy requires a two week notice on vacation requests and a four week notice for withdrawals. If your child is in the PK2 class please remember to turn in your withdrawal notice.
**A gentle reminder that payment is due the Friday before the following week! If payment is received after Monday, a late payment fee of $25 will be assessed. Thank you!
Thank you,
Adrienne and Dana
A Message From Our Education Department: