Can you believe the summer is almost over?!? We are going to be sure to get in our final days of waterplay, outdoor fun, and the ice cream truck!
Our big focus is planning for our upcoming school year! We are so excited to welcome back old friends, welcome new friends, and to enter new classrooms! You will soon receive information regarding your child transitioning to his or her new classroom. Most of our students will be ready to move up! We will be hosting a Meet and Greet time. This is an opportunity for you to visit your child’s new classroom and meet the teachers. This will be on August 17th from 3:30-5:30. We encourage you to go and explore the new classroom with your child. This will help in the transition. During the week of August 22nd, we will take some time for the children to visit their new classroom. Then, August 29th, we will be transitioning into new classrooms! We are so excited to start a brand new school year!!!!

A few of our classrooms will be switching locations. Our Infant and Toddler classrooms will be switching spots. Our Pre-K A and current Kindergarten classroom will also be trading spots. We are looking to do this during the weekend of August 12th. This way everything will be in place prior to all of our transition activities.
Have a wonderful month! Enjoy your final days of summer! Get excited about the new adventure we will have together in our upcoming school year!!!
Miss Becky
Click Here to View the August 2016 Menu
Special Days in August
- 2nd: A Visit from an Ice Cream Truck
- 2nd: PJ Day
- 3rd: Watermelon Day
- 4th: Paper Airplane Contest: Which airplane will travel the farthest?
- 5th: Olympic Games Begins: Dress for your favorite Summer Olympic Activity
- 9th: A Visit from an Ice Cream Truck
- 9th: Book Lover’s Day: Bring your favorite book today
- 10th: National S’mores Day
- 11th: Sidewalk Chalk Mural Day: Look for our artwork on the sidewalks
- 12th: Worldwide Art Day: Look for our artwork in the hallway
- 13th: Open House from 10:00am to 1:00pm
- 16th: A Visit from an Ice Cream Truck
- 16th: Crazy Hair Day
- 17th: Meet and Greet 3:30 to 5:30: Come and Meet your child’s new teachers and see the classroom
- 18th: Carnival: Our school age campers will create a carnival for our younger children!
- 19th: End of Summer Picnic
- 23rd: A Visit from an Ice Cream Truck
- 24th: Wear one Color Wednesday: Wear just your favorite color
- 26th: Tye-Dye Day: Wear something Tye-Dye
- 29th: Transition to our New Classrooms
- 31st: Trail Mix Day: We will make our own trail mix
August 1-15th we are excited to offer the opportunity to support our school through 
There are cups/ mugs/ and more items that you can get with your favorite sports teams. (They use Tervis cups, which are great quality!) Or you can just go with some basic things. Our school is looking forward to making some improvements to our building and our playground. The funds we raise will help support these improvements. Here is the link to the website: http://chesterbrook718.superfanfundraising.com. We will also have brochures for each student. Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions.

- Please be sure to wash your child’s hands upon entry into the classroom. We want to do our best to keep germs at bay!
- Please be sure all schedule changes have been approved by the office.
- Please sign your child in and out each day; the sheets are located in the foyer outside of the office.
- Please do not leave your vehicles running while you are inside the building.
Education Connection
Children today are more scheduled than ever before. Their days are filled with activities such as camp, sports, dance classes and music lessons. When there is nothing else scheduled to do, many children find it challenging to fill up their spare time. This summer, you’ve probably heard your child say[.....]
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August News
Can you believe the summer is almost over?!? We are going to be sure to get in our final days of waterplay, outdoor fun, and the ice cream truck!
Our big focus is planning for our upcoming school year! We are so excited to welcome back old friends, welcome new friends, and to enter new classrooms! You will soon receive information regarding your child transitioning to his or her new classroom. Most of our students will be ready to move up! We will be hosting a Meet and Greet time. This is an opportunity for you to visit your child’s new classroom and meet the teachers. This will be on August 17th from 3:30-5:30. We encourage you to go and explore the new classroom with your child. This will help in the transition. During the week of August 22nd, we will take some time for the children to visit their new classroom. Then, August 29th, we will be transitioning into new classrooms! We are so excited to start a brand new school year!!!!
A few of our classrooms will be switching locations. Our Infant and Toddler classrooms will be switching spots. Our Pre-K A and current Kindergarten classroom will also be trading spots. We are looking to do this during the weekend of August 12th. This way everything will be in place prior to all of our transition activities.
Have a wonderful month! Enjoy your final days of summer! Get excited about the new adventure we will have together in our upcoming school year!!!
Miss Becky
Click Here to View the August 2016 Menu
Special Days in August
August 1-15th we are excited to offer the opportunity to support our school through
There are cups/ mugs/ and more items that you can get with your favorite sports teams. (They use Tervis cups, which are great quality!) Or you can just go with some basic things. Our school is looking forward to making some improvements to our building and our playground. The funds we raise will help support these improvements. Here is the link to the website: http://chesterbrook718.superfanfundraising.com. We will also have brochures for each student. Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions.
Education Connection
How to Handle "I'm Bored"
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