From the Office of the Principal
It seems like September flew by! The air is getting cooler and the leaves will soon change colors, which means that October is in full swing! We have many exciting events happening in the month of October, but first let’s recap what we did in September. We all kicked off September with the Labor Day weekend, and upon return, we welcomed 20 new and returning students to Chesterbrook Academy. The academic year officially kicked off during the month of September as well, meaning that the Links to Learning curriculum is now being implemented in full in your child’s classroom. We took Lifetouch Fall Portraits on Wednesday, September 14, and the portraits should be returning soon! Soccer Shots officially started their Fall Season on Wednesday, September 21. We have seen a huge surge in participation in this wonderful program this season! New seasons of our new sports program, Jumpbunch, is underway as well! Our Music for Little Ones class will hopefully start soon–please let us know if you are interested in participating!
October is shaping up to be a busy month as well. We are so excited that our Yankee Candle Fundraising Event starts on Monday, October 10. We will be open for a full day for all CMS school-agers on Monday, October 3, and we will be open for a full day for all SC school agers on Monday, October 10. We will have our Fall Festival on Friday, October 21. Please be on the look-out for more information on our Fall Festival coming soon! We will start to have Jersey Days every Friday, and Pink Out Day every Wednesday during the month of October for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so wear lots of pink on Wednesdays! Finally, Links to Learning folders go out on the last day of the month.
As always, we will always be here to help you in any way possible if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you!
Kindest Regards,
William Gordon, Principal
Candi Staines, Assistant Principal
Upcoming Events and Special Days
Wednesday, October 5: World Teacher’s Day
Monday, October 10: Yankee Candle Fundraising Event Starts
Monday, October 10: Columbus Day (CBA is open)
Friday, October 21: Chesterbrook Academy Fall Festival
Saturday, October 22: Make a Difference Day!
Monday, October 24-Thursday, October 28: NLCI Annual Principal’s Conference
Sunday, October 25: Make a Difference Day
Monday, October 31: Links to Learning Folders Go Home
Every Wednesday morning: Soccer Shots @ 9:30a
Every Thursday: Jumpbunch
Chesterbrook Academy is on Facebook!
We wanted to remind everyone that the Chesterbrook Academy group of schools is on Facebook. We invite you to
“like” our page at where we’ll be providing our fans with regular educational tips for children from preschool to 8th grade
and the opportunity to network with fellow parents. We would love to have your participation and encourage you to continue to check our school website for more local updates specific to our own school. We’ve recently been able to post pictures of our PreK2 graduation and some of our summer camp activities!
We look forward to having you as part of our Facebook community!
Automatic Draft Program
“CHECK” IT OUT… No checks necessary! Enroll in our Automatic Payment Program and never write another check for your monthly tuition or pay another late payment. Tuition can be automatically deducted from your checking account. You can find more information about the ACH program here in the office. Let us sign you up today!
From the Education Department
Exploring Community Helpers & the Roles They Play
This month, our students are gaining a greater understanding of community helper occupations, such as police officers, mail carriers, medical professionals and firefighters. The children have a lot of fun imagining themselves in these important roles, and incorporating toy versions of the uniforms, equipment and vehicles that go with them.
In addition, October is National Fire Prevention Month, so we place a special emphasis on the importance of fire safety and the role of firefighters. Our classroom activities help the children become more comfortable around emergency responders in uniform, and teach them basics about what to do in case of an emergency.
Here are some ways children learn about community helpers in the classroom, as well as activities for you and your child to do at home.
TODDLERS (ages 1-2):
In the classroom: Toddlers are fascinated with dressing up as doctors, police officers and firefighters, because they have distinct uniforms and roles that children can easily understand. During dramatic play, our teachers provide students with costumes and props, and encourage them to choose the role they want to play.
At home: Continue dress-up play by providing your child with various props and costumes. Ask him, “Who do you want to dress-up as?” and “What does that person wear?”
Recommended reading: Whose Hat is This by Sharon Katz Cooper
BEGINNERS (ages 2-3):
In the classroom: Our Beginner students learn about the special vehicles that community helpers use, by playing matching games, reading books, and building vehicles using cardboard boxes.
At home: Go for a drive with your child. Point out vehicles that belong to community helpers, such as a fire truck and a police car. Ask, “Who drives that vehicle?” and “Where might it be going?”
Recommended reading: The Little Fire Engine by Lois Lenski
In the classroom: During fire safety lessons, many of our schools invite local firefighters to visit. Students explore the tools firefighters use, learn “Stop, Drop and Roll,” and may have the opportunity to tour a fire truck.
At home: Continue exploring fire safety by practicing “Stop, Drop and Roll” with your child. Ask him, “Who puts out fires?” and discuss what he should do if he hears a fire alarm at home.
Recommended reading: The Fire Engine Book by Tibor Gergely
PRE-K/PRE-K 2 (ages 4-5):
In the classroom: Teachers introduce situations when it might be necessary to dial 9-1-1. Students practice finding 9-1-1 on different keypads, such as cell phones and landlines.
At home: Show your child photos of various community helpers and the buildings where they work. Ask him to identify the helpers and their workplaces, and describe the roles the helpers play in our community.
Recommended reading: The Berenstain Bears: Jobs around Town by Jan Berenstain
We provide many opportunities for students to learn about community helpers. By setting this foundation, they become more familiar and comfortable around the people that make their neighborhoods a better place.
-Lauren Starnes, PhD – Director of Early Childhood Education
Chesterbrook Academy October Newsletter
From the Office of the Principal
It seems like September flew by! The air is getting cooler and the leaves will soon change colors, which means that October is in full swing! We have many exciting events happening in the month of October, but first let’s recap what we did in September. We all kicked off September with the Labor Day weekend, and upon return, we welcomed 20 new and returning students to Chesterbrook Academy. The academic year officially kicked off during the month of September as well, meaning that the Links to Learning curriculum is now being implemented in full in your child’s classroom. We took Lifetouch Fall Portraits on Wednesday, September 14, and the portraits should be returning soon! Soccer Shots officially started their Fall Season on Wednesday, September 21. We have seen a huge surge in participation in this wonderful program this season! New seasons of our new sports program, Jumpbunch, is underway as well! Our Music for Little Ones class will hopefully start soon–please let us know if you are interested in participating!
October is shaping up to be a busy month as well. We are so excited that our Yankee Candle Fundraising Event starts on Monday, October 10. We will be open for a full day for all CMS school-agers on Monday, October 3, and we will be open for a full day for all SC school agers on Monday, October 10. We will have our Fall Festival on Friday, October 21. Please be on the look-out for more information on our Fall Festival coming soon! We will start to have Jersey Days every Friday, and Pink Out Day every Wednesday during the month of October for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so wear lots of pink on Wednesdays! Finally, Links to Learning folders go out on the last day of the month.
As always, we will always be here to help you in any way possible if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you!
Kindest Regards,
William Gordon, Principal
Candi Staines, Assistant Principal
“like” our page at where we’ll be providing our fans with regular educational tips for children from preschool to 8th grade
Upcoming Events and Special Days
Wednesday, October 5: World Teacher’s Day
Monday, October 10: Yankee Candle Fundraising Event Starts
Monday, October 10: Columbus Day (CBA is open)
Friday, October 21: Chesterbrook Academy Fall Festival
Saturday, October 22: Make a Difference Day!
Monday, October 24-Thursday, October 28: NLCI Annual Principal’s Conference
Sunday, October 25: Make a Difference Day
Monday, October 31: Links to Learning Folders Go Home
Every Wednesday morning: Soccer Shots @ 9:30a
Every Thursday: Jumpbunch
Chesterbrook Academy is on Facebook!
We wanted to remind everyone that the Chesterbrook Academy group of schools is on Facebook. We invite you to
and the opportunity to network with fellow parents. We would love to have your participation and encourage you to continue to check our school website for more local updates specific to our own school. We’ve recently been able to post pictures of our PreK2 graduation and some of our summer camp activities!
We look forward to having you as part of our Facebook community!
Automatic Draft Program
“CHECK” IT OUT… No checks necessary! Enroll in our Automatic Payment Program and never write another check for your monthly tuition or pay another late payment. Tuition can be automatically deducted from your checking account. You can find more information about the ACH program here in the office. Let us sign you up today!
From the Education Department
Exploring Community Helpers & the Roles They Play
This month, our students are gaining a greater understanding of community helper occupations, such as police officers, mail carriers, medical professionals and firefighters. The children have a lot of fun imagining themselves in these important roles, and incorporating toy versions of the uniforms, equipment and vehicles that go with them.
In addition, October is National Fire Prevention Month, so we place a special emphasis on the importance of fire safety and the role of firefighters. Our classroom activities help the children become more comfortable around emergency responders in uniform, and teach them basics about what to do in case of an emergency.
Here are some ways children learn about community helpers in the classroom, as well as activities for you and your child to do at home.
TODDLERS (ages 1-2):
In the classroom: Toddlers are fascinated with dressing up as doctors, police officers and firefighters, because they have distinct uniforms and roles that children can easily understand. During dramatic play, our teachers provide students with costumes and props, and encourage them to choose the role they want to play.
At home: Continue dress-up play by providing your child with various props and costumes. Ask him, “Who do you want to dress-up as?” and “What does that person wear?”
Recommended reading: Whose Hat is This by Sharon Katz Cooper
BEGINNERS (ages 2-3):
In the classroom: Our Beginner students learn about the special vehicles that community helpers use, by playing matching games, reading books, and building vehicles using cardboard boxes.
At home: Go for a drive with your child. Point out vehicles that belong to community helpers, such as a fire truck and a police car. Ask, “Who drives that vehicle?” and “Where might it be going?”
Recommended reading: The Little Fire Engine by Lois Lenski
In the classroom: During fire safety lessons, many of our schools invite local firefighters to visit. Students explore the tools firefighters use, learn “Stop, Drop and Roll,” and may have the opportunity to tour a fire truck.
At home: Continue exploring fire safety by practicing “Stop, Drop and Roll” with your child. Ask him, “Who puts out fires?” and discuss what he should do if he hears a fire alarm at home.
Recommended reading: The Fire Engine Book by Tibor Gergely
PRE-K/PRE-K 2 (ages 4-5):
In the classroom: Teachers introduce situations when it might be necessary to dial 9-1-1. Students practice finding 9-1-1 on different keypads, such as cell phones and landlines.
At home: Show your child photos of various community helpers and the buildings where they work. Ask him to identify the helpers and their workplaces, and describe the roles the helpers play in our community.
Recommended reading: The Berenstain Bears: Jobs around Town by Jan Berenstain
We provide many opportunities for students to learn about community helpers. By setting this foundation, they become more familiar and comfortable around the people that make their neighborhoods a better place.
-Lauren Starnes, PhD – Director of Early Childhood Education