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January 2024 Newsletter

A Note From Our Principal:

Dear Families,
I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and a very happy new year. Thank you so much for your generosity last month. Our teachers, administrative team, and I truly appreciate all the thoughtfulness and care we received. We also thank you for your participation in our holiday giving initiative. Because of your contributions, we were able to donate so many toys to Hunter’s Hope!
 Alexa Moreschi

Priority Re-Enrollment

It may be only January, but it’s time to start planning for the fall! There has been an overwhelming demand for our January Open House, so we want to make sure you secure your child’s spot for next school year. Priority re-enrollment will run from Feb 5 – March 1. More information will be sent via Links 2 Home.

Open House/Family Referral Bonus

Do you know a colleague who has recently had a baby, a friend in need of care who just relocated to the area, or a family member who is seeking a new preschool for their child? Invite them to our Open House on January 20. When you refer a friend and they enroll, you’re eligible for a free week of tuition. Ask us for details!

Virtual Potty Training Workshop on January 31st

Are you ready to take that next step? Do you need ideas or support to make your child’s potty training a success? Save the date for our Virtual Potty Training Workshop on January 31st at 3 PM EST. Learn tips and techniques to ensure a successful, positive experience. Here is the Registration Link:  https://conta.cc/3tuOtR5

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

We explore diversity and inclusion all year and have many lessons planned this month to celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. We’ll be reading books, making arts and crafts, discussing the importance of acceptance and belonging, and much more.

Important Dates

January 1 – School CLOSED for New Year’s Day
January 15 – School CLOSED for MLK Jr. Day
January 29 – Virtual Potty Training Workshop

New On Our Preschool Blog

Bye-Bye Blues: Helping Your Child Overcome Separation Anxiety

Let’s resolve those drop off fears and tears as we chat with our Behavior Specialist Consultant, Amber Fine. Amber has spent the last decade in the mental health sector, in both public and private services, supporting children and their families. She is proficient in the area of Infant Mental Health and is a licensed psychotherapist in the state of Florida.

Hi Amber! When does separation anxiety typically manifest in young children and what are some signs that families can look out for?

Amber: Separation anxiety is a developmentally appropriate behavior that can present itself around 6-8 months and typically peaks in toddlerhood. These behaviors can start to dissipate after 2 years but can ebb and flow depending on circumstances occurring in the child’s life. Any new transition may contribute to separation anxiety. We sometimes see behaviors such as difficulty separating from caregivers, difficulty with emotional regulation (which may present as crying, yelling, or emotional outbursts), excessive worry, disturbance in sleep routine, and somatic symptoms like stomach aches or nausea.

What are some strategies families can implement to help their child cope with separation anxiety when leaving for preschool?

Amber: Strategies will differ for all children, depending on what brings them comfort. I think most importantly, the strategies used will carry themes of comfort, planning, and preparation. When children know what to expect, it can help them in preparing themselves.

Make your child’s morning as comfortable as possible, prior to drop-off. This might entail eating breakfast together, listening to their favorite music, or talking about all the fun things you will do as a family later that night.

If you’re preparing your child for a new environment, visit the school prior to the first day, with the child present, allowing them to meet their teacher and explore their new classroom. If the school allows, send a comfort item in with the child, which can allow for them to feel more connected to home. Partner with teachers and staff, educating them on what your child likes, doesn’t like, and what can help when your child is experiencing big emotions. If you have a positive and excited disposition and tell your child what a great day they are going to have, they will likely follow suit.

How can families strike a balance between addressing their child’s separation anxiety and encouraging their independence?

Amber: You want to ensure you are acknowledging and validating your child’s feelings, while also projecting confidence and providing reassurance. Talking through the routine of the day, the people your child will interact with, and all the fun activities they are going to do can help to ease your child’s drop-off fears.

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