October News
We are so excited that the warm weather has broken and the children can enjoy this clear, crisp fall weather. The children and staff are now into a regimented routine, the first month of school has been completed. Looking ahead into the months of October and November, parent teacher conferences will be available soon. Please look for a sign-up sheet for these in near the parent mail folders towards the end of October. There will be face to face and phone conferences available for parents.
Thank you to all of our parents who participated in our Little Caesar’s fundraiser last month. Please mark your calendars for October 21st. This is when the pizza kits will be delivered to our door. A reminder to please pick up all orders on this day, the products must be kept frozen. We have limited space here at the school to store items. Our next fundraiser will be our Yankee Candle Sale; some items are already on display on the piano. More information will be coming soon for dates and order forms.
Since the weather is starting to change to the cooler side, please make sure your child has a light jacket or sweatshirt to wear outside on cool days. Parents please take home extra clothing in your child’s cubby and replace with updated seasonal clothing.
Thank you to our families who have recently updated necessary forms for your child’s file. We thank you in advance for completing these forms when needed to keep to state licensing compliance.
Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 5th from 9-3 PM for our First Family Fall Fest here at Estelle Drive. We are very excited to offer this day of fun and fellowship with our current families and possible new families in our community. Hope to see everyone there!
We thank you for allowing us to teach, care and love your children every day!
Warmest Regards,
Wendy Musser, Principal
Working with and talking about money is a great way to connect learning at school with learning at home. Children love to manipulate coins and paper money, and are naturally curious about their meaning. Using money is an especially fun way for children to learn math skills, as well as[.....]
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October News
October News
We are so excited that the warm weather has broken and the children can enjoy this clear, crisp fall weather. The children and staff are now into a regimented routine, the first month of school has been completed. Looking ahead into the months of October and November, parent teacher conferences will be available soon. Please look for a sign-up sheet for these in near the parent mail folders towards the end of October. There will be face to face and phone conferences available for parents.
Thank you to all of our parents who participated in our Little Caesar’s fundraiser last month. Please mark your calendars for October 21st. This is when the pizza kits will be delivered to our door. A reminder to please pick up all orders on this day, the products must be kept frozen. We have limited space here at the school to store items. Our next fundraiser will be our Yankee Candle Sale; some items are already on display on the piano. More information will be coming soon for dates and order forms.
Since the weather is starting to change to the cooler side, please make sure your child has a light jacket or sweatshirt to wear outside on cool days. Parents please take home extra clothing in your child’s cubby and replace with updated seasonal clothing.
Thank you to our families who have recently updated necessary forms for your child’s file. We thank you in advance for completing these forms when needed to keep to state licensing compliance.
Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 5th from 9-3 PM for our First Family Fall Fest here at Estelle Drive. We are very excited to offer this day of fun and fellowship with our current families and possible new families in our community. Hope to see everyone there!
We thank you for allowing us to teach, care and love your children every day!
Warmest Regards,
Wendy Musser, Principal
Ways to Use the Concept of Money to Make Learning Fun
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