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January News

Happy New Year! We can’t wait to spend 2021 with you and your children. If you’ve not already done so, please send in an extra set of weather appropriate clothes for your child. Students also need to come to school each day with a jacket and dressed warmly enough to play outside for part of the day. We want everyone to be able to participate!

Links 2 Home 

If you’re not currently receiving photos and daily reports for your child you can easily change this by downloading the Links 2 Home app on your phone. Just type ‘Links 2 Home’ in the search bar for the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. After downloading Links 2 Home you can register with the same email address that you used to enroll your child in our school. You can utilize the Instant Messaging to communicate directly with administration and classroom teachers.

Updating your Information in Alma

Do you have a different email address or phone number? Need to add or remove an emergency contact? You can do this at any time in Alma. If you need help logging in or accessing the system please let us know.

4 Indoor Wintery Activities to Do with Your Preschooler

Are you stuck inside trying to figure out how to keep your little one busy this winter? Let him burn off some energy, while still actively learning, with these four fun indoor activities.

Cotton Ball Snowman

Draw a few large snowmen on paper, cut them out, and write a number in the middle of each. Provide your child with cotton balls, a glue stick, and the snowmen cut-outs. Encourage him to read the number and count as he glues on the appropriate amount of cotton balls. For older children, write simple addition or subtraction problems on the snowmen instead.

Ice Melting Experiment

Conduct a fun experiment to see where ice would melt the fastest inside your house. Place ice cubes in bowls in different rooms throughout your house (i.e. bedroom, kitchen, garage). Ask your child to predict which bowl of ice would melt the fastest.

Winter-Themed Books

Books are a great resource to teach your child about animals who live in cold climates and hibernation.
Some of our favorites include Never Touch a Polar Bear by Stuart Lynch (0-2 years), Gregory’s Shadow by Don Freeman (3-5 years), Sleep Big Bear Sleep by Maureen Wright (3-5 years), How Do Birds Find Their Way by Roma Gans (4-5 years), and Over and Under the Snow by Kate Messner (4-6 years).

Snowflake Garland

Provide your child with cupcake liners or coffee filters, safety scissors, markers, stickers, glitter glue, and ribbon. Fold the liners in triangles and make small cuts. Unfold the liners to see the unique snowflake design. Encourage your child to decorate the snowflakes and help him thread ribbon through each to make garland. Let your child decide where he’d like to hang his fun artwork.

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