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Students Take on the Challenge: A PBL Project to Combat Hunger through Feeding America

In a remarkable display of compassion and determination, Mrs. Johnson’s first grade students have embarked on a Project-Based Learning (PBL) initiative with an ambitious goal: to find sustainable solutions to eradicate hunger, not only in the United States but also in countries around the world. This monumental undertaking promises to be a transformative experience for these young minds.

Divided into groups, each student brings a unique set of skills and talents to the table. Some will eloquently articulate their thoughts in essays, while others will express their creativity through art, using drawings and photo journals to convey the urgency of this global issue. 

However, this project is not just confined to the classroom. Parents play an integral role in supporting their children’s efforts. Together, they are rallying to donate an impressive 2000 meals to Feeding America, a monumental endeavor that speaks volumes about the collective commitment to make a difference.

To facilitate this noble cause, a dedicated team page has been established, aptly named “CBA Fight Against Hunger”. Here, individuals can contribute directly, ensuring that every dollar goes towards providing nourishment to those in need. It’s important to note that no physical money needs to be sent in; contributions can be made securely through the Feeding America platform.

Last year’s fundraiser saw an impressive $500 raised in just a week. This year, the students aspire to surpass this achievement, aiming higher than ever before. Your support is crucial in achieving this goal, and sharing the donation link with your extended network of family and friends can significantly amplify the impact.

Upon completion, the students’ hard work and dedication will be showcased for the entire school community and visitors to witness. Their collective effort will serve as a powerful testament to what can be accomplished when young minds unite for a cause greater than themselves.

Join us in this journey to combat hunger, and together, let’s make a tangible difference in the lives of those who need it most.

[Donation Link: https://teamfeed.feedingamerica.org/participant/14368]


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