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August News

Can you believe it is August?  Where did the summer go?  We have been so busy having fun that we didn’t notice how quickly the time has flown.  The children enjoyed their July special activities-especially the hop-a-thon and camp Olympics.  I hope you had a chance to view each  classroom’s flag.  They were amazing !  The Olympic events were original and fun.  The teachers and kids did a great job creating them and participating in them.

The campers had a full and busy month.  They were busy creating many wonderful projects in their room.  Did you see their jungle?  I love the wall elephant and the very animated giraffes!  Their trip to the DaVinci Center was very exciting and timely.  They visited the museum on the very date (50 years ago) that the Apollo 11 astronauts took off for the moon and had the opportunity to experience some great exhibits about the Apollo 11 mission and the moon.

This month, we will be planning a special picnic for our Hometown Helpers and Heroes, organizing our Camp Carnival, and enjoying a live theater production of Tom Sawyer.  We are glad it finally stopped raining, so the children could enjoy water play.

As summer winds down, we have many things to do to prepare for the start of another school year.  Please remember that we need a copy of each well child physical  and updated immunizations.  Files are being reviewed and most of you will be given new Emergency Contact Forms to complete and any other missing forms from your child’s file.  We appreciate you taking the time to fill them out and return them in a timely fashion.  Thank you.

Also as a reminder, please do not hold open the front door to someone you do not recognize.  Visitors need to ring the bell and wait to be let in.  If someone does happen to follow you in and you are unsure if they are an active family here, please tell a staff member so they can check.  Thank you for your cooperation in this very important safety rule.



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